The white 'Race'

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An idea, a fiction, make-believe, false, incorrect, disgusting and evil. White people, seemingly due to religion and xenophobia, decided that African people were less than human and couldn't be. The lives and experiences of Africans weren't as good as their Eurocentric societal norms. Their original idea was completely based on incorrect beliefs and theories that were little more than imagination meant to justify why they felt blameless treating other humans in a horrible and disgusting manner. 

The 'perfectness' of the white race was displayed for all to see. 

The statues were 'lightened', the paintings colored 'brighter', the history was 'sanitized' and brought out of the darkness; the darkness of their past, a past that holds the reality of their beginning; the beginning to their current status of world power. 

All of modern humanity are the descendants of a Black woman (dark skin). Of course this theory lacked any evidence and it has been shown completely false, but it still holds sway . Not to mention the idea of perfection in the first place as being almost incoherent.

The idea of race is just that, an idea. An idea that lacks ANY scientific evidence. The main claim states there is something essential and different between people that would indicate a solid mark of separation. For instance, some of the first "racial scientists" (this is NOT a joke) believed that the difference between racial groups could be identified by the differences between their skulls. There were some scientists who collected and studied the many differences between skulls: shape, size, texture, etc. These scientific stats were thought unchangeable. One could never overcome or change what shape their skeleton is. Current understandings in science have shown that the past 'evidence' for racial differences was anything but. This type of error happens when you begin with the answer and then build the question around it. Like starting race theory where 'Black skin' means 'less than human'.

Race is color. Skin color as a definition. 

A belief that there is something key that is the essence of what 'race' a person is. It assumes an essence; that the color of skin indicates something else about someone. For example, Asians driving bad, Indians smell bad, etc. the prejudiced and fear filled attributes that indicate ignorance and, at best, laziness. These are just made up ideas to explain away all the mistakes instituted by the white race. Most of it all can be drawn down to reveal the true culprit: fear. Let's explore the term negrophobia, a fear of Black people. This fear is allowed to reap undeserved stability, protected by racism and xenophobia. Perhaps, this is just what domestic politics is filtered into, a large thought bubble of fear of others and outsiders that ultimately come down to the laziness of humans and what we will do to not work.

Skin Deep: Dispelling the Science of Race by Gavin Evans:

"While we might still use the word 'race' as a linguistic resort, it is not much more. Geneticists prefer to focus on ancestry and to talk of population groups, which are smaller units that cut across traditional notions of race. This view was bolstered by research conducted by the Human Genome Diversity Project on fifty-three genetically distinct indigenous population groups. It emerged that one of the remarkable conclusions is how little genetic variation there is in humans, compared to other species of mammal, partly because of our relatively recent evolution." p. 95

"The range of skin colour in sub-Saharan Africa illustrates the point that genetic variation within Africa, and particularly within long-settled African communities, is greater than that between the different population groups that are sometimes defined as races." p. 104-05

This tells us that African people who live together in the same country and were born there can still be diverse and genetically different and separate. This shows that the look of someone is irrelevant to their humanity. 

The real life facts cannot support the idea of race. All of the knowledge created and proliferated by this excursion with race and racial categorization are entirely a fiction; created to achieve an 'end' instead of a process meant to improve the life, liberty, and happiness of its citizens. 

Those 'founders' didn't count all "we the people", not the Native Americans whom they slaughtered and forcibly removed from their land, not the African people they instituted systems of racist chattel slavery to enhance their control over other humans, and lastly, not the people of Mexico from whom they stole land and killed people. Accepted, at the time, by all; and yet many of their modern relatives aren't aware, weren't or aren't told, or are distant to the slavery history of their home life. People now see the error and attempt to fix it without addressing any of the problems and consequences of the original 'plan' enacted and created externally.

These reminders of incorrect theories put forth by the scientists force us to question the underlying purpose of their research, if it were to understand the possible differences instead of creating the differences then, determining a 'race', would have been improbable, if not impossible. 

If the draw of lighter skin didn't entice men to hold it precious. The simplest assumption is that this was pure arrogance and narcissism; white men and women felt superior for no other rational reason than they could force others into submission and this just happened to require and construct a racial barrier. A static but easily altered racial barrier, where white people could 'grant' Black people human life, it was a label owned and given by people with light skin.

So, what do we do with race? I don't believe it is my place, or the place of any one person, to come up with a plan for an entire group of people. The things that we want need to be desired by the majority of people, the fighters, thinkers, lovers, spiritualists, scientists, blue collar workers. 

Personally, I think there needs to be a correction of the errors that race has caused followed by a swift erasure of race as a category. 

Is that even possible? 


Time is long, while my personal hold of it is not. 

Our families spent centuries of their lives making life easy for white people; their rest is at our expense though. The wealth they hold should not belong to them because they did not earn it, as we are always reminded when speaking about poverty in America. Yet, despite the pure hypocrisy of it all...

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