bye harry

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harry's POV

i've been staying at liam and zayn's for 2 days but today we are all having a sleepover so i have to see louis. i really don't want to fight with him but he needs to understand why i'm upset.


louis: hey boys, come in

zayn: cheers lou, what do you wanna watch?

louis: is grease okay?

liam: sounds good!

liam and zayn went into the kitchen to get popcorn and niall went to the toilet which left me and louis alone. this is awkward.

louis: make yourself at home

me: yeah, thanks

it's been 2 minutes and they all still aren't back. liam and zayn probably got carried away and started making a cake or some shit and i don't know about niall.
we are both sat down on the sofa. silent.

louis: i wonder what's taking them so long

me: god knows

louis: listen harry, i don't want it to be awkward. i also don't want to loose you. it's so weird not being around each other 24/7. i know this is just temporary right? it will all go back to normal won't it?

me: i just don't want to share you louis. it will go back to normal, it will. i don't want it to be awkward but i can't be the same around you now i know that you aren't 100% mine. not in a needy way, i don't care about you hanging out with other people just not when they kiss you.

louis: me too harry. i'll talk to el about this kissing situation and ask her to not kiss me, does that sound okay? i'm still yours, i'll always be yours.

wow. louis sounds so genuine and sweet. i really really do love him, i want more than anything to be with him.

me: this whole break thing is stupid. i know things will get sorted out and then we can be with each other 24/7. maybe we take things slow? ill keep staying with liam and zayn but how about i come over every now and again?

louis: are you saying we are off of our break? harry, i would love that. we can take things as slow as you need, i won't force you into anything

me: thanks lou. i really am worried about the others though, what's taking them so long?

louis: i honestly forgot they were here, let's go see

the whole night went incredibly. me and louis kept snuggling and he didn't try to kiss me at all or rush me into anything. we watched grease and the emoji movie and then all snuggled up onto the sofas and went to sleep.

the next day

we all went home at around 11 this morning and im going to see louis today. we are just going to chill, maybe talk about things. i honestly don't know but im really excited.


"hey haz, come on in"

"thanks, what do you want to do?"

"we can just chill in the living room, or my bed room. it's up to you"

"mkay, im going to your room. bring snacks"

i don't want it to be awkward with louis so im trying to be as chill as possible, i can tell he's nervous.
i lay down on his bed and sent niall a quick text

it's going good so far, he's getting us some food. ill text you soon xx -haz

yay!! told you that you'd be good harold -ni

louis came in 2 minutes later with his hands full of crisps, fizzy drinks and sweets.

"wow, thanks lou! this is so much"

"yeah, i sort of went overboard"

"yeah, come here then. i'm not hungry at the minute, let's just hug and talk?"

"sure! what do you want to talk about?" he asked, jumping onto the bed and reaching out his arms for his boyfriend

"hmmm, i don't know. how have you been?"

"not good, i mean you know how it is. missed you"

"yeah? i missed you too lou"

i planted a gentle kiss onto his lips

"haz, are you sure this is okay?"

"yes lou"

"mkay, what do you want to do? we can't really go out, i mean i'm meant to be dating eleanor. we can watch a movie? we can just...i don't know, i'm out of ideas"

"i have an idea.."

"wha- oh...are you sure?"


"sure sure? you won't regret this?"

"louis, hurry up before i change my mind"

"yeah, okay. but you're sure?"

"yes louis"


oh god what have i done? i mean, louis fucked me just an hour ago and i regret it so much. he is asleep right now, i need to go. i'm going to stay with niall tonight. i don't know why i thought this would be a good idea. he's fake dating his ex. i have to leave now.

"haz, where are you going?"

"i'm uh, going to stay at nialls. look, last night was a huge mistake. you shouldn't have let me go through with that. i think we need to spend time away from each other until your "plan"."

"okay harry, take deep breaths. you can't tell me you regretted last night, please harry. i love you so much. please don't leave me"

"of course i fucking regretted last night louis! look, i can't be around you while you are still with her because i don't want to fight with you. i'm going to nialls, ill see you on tour"

"bye harry"

can i paint you? (a larry stylinson story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن