my love

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harry's POV


we've just arrived at mine and i only just remembered that i hadn't told mum so i decided to send her a text before going in

mum ❤️

hey mum, things at louis house didn't really go as planned, i'll tell you about it later. we are outside, can we come in and stay the night here? we won't cause any trouble, we will just get a takeaway - haz x

that's fine love, is louis okay? Gemma is asleep at the moment but i'm sure she will wake up any minute. ill make sure she doesn't go into your room without knocking, tell louis we are all here for him - mum x

he's all good, just asleep in the car at the minute. i don't have the heart to wake him up, he looks so cute. will come inside in 10 mins - haz x

okay love. no worries, see you lovebirds soon - mum x

10 minutes later

"hey lou"
"love, we are at mine, i texted my mum and she said it's fine if we stay the night"

"oh, that's great haz. thank you so much"

"no worries, come on"

louis made no effort to move so i went around his side and carried him in bridal style

"come on tomlinson"

"ahhhh! harry, don't drop me mister!"

"don't worry, we are hereeee!"

"thanks love"

he pecked my lips

"okay so ill order a takeaway and then we can go to my room. what do you want to eat?"

"sounds good, maybe pizza?"

"on it, follow me"

i ordered the pizza and we went to my room to wait.

"i know what we could do while we wait for the pizza to come" i said suggestively

"haz! your mum and sister are home"

"yeah i know but Gem is on the other floor and mum is going deaf!"

"you sure?"


"mkay, take off your clothes curly"

i did as he commanded

he started to suck me off. i think it's a bit unfair that i'm naked and he is still fully clothed.

"i love you lou"

"are you just saying that because i'm sucking you off?"

"no, i mean it"

"i love you, curly"



"you are still wearing your clothes"

"patience harold"

"please louis, need to see your body"

"you're so needy harry"

"stop talking. just suck"

"your wish is my command"

"lou...i'm going to ummm"

"no you aren't, not like this. you can hold it"

"i cant lou"

"you can when i tell you to"

he undressed himself


i opened my mouth and he shoved his full length into my mouth. he bounced up and down, up and down. i took it all in.

"good boy, now turn around. face in the pillow, butt up"


he made me suck his fingers and then put one in my hole

"you're tight"

i could melt

he added another finger


"haz, you okay? did i hurt you?

"no. keep going. please"

"okay baby"

he added a third finger which made me buck my hips into him

"eager are we?"

"yes lou"

"it's your lucky day then"

he lined his tip up to my hole and slowly inserted into me.

he went backwards and forwards over and over, slowly

"faster lou"

"okay love, anything for you"

he sped up, getting faster and harder

"mhm, right there lou" i moaned

he knew he had hit my prostate and kept going and going

"louis" i groaned

"good boy"

"louis i'm so close, can i?"

"go ahead sweetheart"

i sent white ribbons flying all over my stomach and fresh bed sheets. then it was his turn, he released into me and groaned

he pulled out and it made me feel empty but i felt so good

"wow lou. that was amazing"

"i know right haz, i love you so much"

"i love you too, im going to get some cloth to get umm cleaned up"

"turn over"


"lay on your back"

i did

he licked all the way up my body cleaning me up and then started attacking my neck

"louis, don't make me hard again. we just finished"

"okay haz, let's clean your bed, food will be here soon"

he stood up and walked to get some clean sheets. well he didn't really walk, he limped

i burst out laughing at the sight of him, i had done that.

"stop it lou! i can't help it"

"sorry curly, it's cute"

"whatever, i'll be right back"

okay, it's kind of awkward because idk how to write smut but enjoy i guess. also istg if sophia shows this to anyone i might have to murder her cause she embarrassed me so much lmaooooo

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