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louis POV

it was lunch time and we hadn't really got anything planned so we all decided to go out. niall chose nando's. obviously.


niall: ohmygod! i can't wait, i haven't been here in ages!
harry: niall, you were here 4 days ago!
niall: that's a long time for me harold
we all chuckled at that, niall loved nando's so much, probably more than he loved his mum.

"ready to go lads?" i asked once everyone had finished their food
"sure boo" harry replied
niall: boo?
he was obviously as confused as me when i first heard it but i have to admit, it's grown on me
harry: yep
liam: i'll never understand your relationship. honestly it's so weird but also so cute
harry: thanks?
zayn: no, he means it in a good way. like you aren't the average couple but you are so in love and cute, sometimes it's pathetic but not always
me: ummm okay, thanks i guess guys
liam: we going then?
we all nodded and muttered a 'yes'

when we arrived at home i wondered about what liam and zayn were on about. we aren't a normal couple? is it because we are gay? haha, nah it's not that. i must admit that i've never felt like this towards anyone. harry is my first boyfriend, don't get me wrong, before i realised i was gay i dated my fair share of girls. i dated one girl, Eleonor, for about 3 years but then i found out i was gay. she was cool about it and we still text sometimes. but even after dating her for 3 whole years, nothing could compare to 1 minute with harry. okay that sounds cheesy but it's true. i just never believed in all of that 'love at first sight' and 'soulmate' shit but like i think harry has made me think differently. whenever he left, even if it was just for a few seconds to get something from the kitchen or go to the toilet, i just felt sort of out of place or alone. i think i've been getting more distant with liam, zayn and niall because i spent too much time with harry but i can't help it. i just crave his presence.

i decided to text Eleanor because i hadn't texted her in a while and she doesn't know about harry or anything so i think we should catch up. we used to hang out once a week but then that turned into once a month and now i haven't seen her in a year. we have the odd phone call or text but that was it.

hey, haven't spoken in a while. you okay? wanna catch up? - lou x

she replied in seconds

oh hey lou! i'm all good, what about you? yeah we should, coffee shop tomorrow? - el x

sounds good to me! i'm all good - lou x

great, see you there! - el x

that felt like a weight had been taken off of my shoulder. i miss el, honestly. (not in a weird way, im still gay remember?) anyway it had been ages and i just needed to catch up with her, see how she was doing. she never met the boys, except liam and he loved her. she should really meet them one day. crap, what was haz going to say? he knows i love him and i'm gay so i'm pretty sure he'll be fine with it. he never knew i was dating el, him and niall were the only ones who didn't know. the only reason liam knew was because he walked into my room one day when we were snogging and after that i decided to tell zayn because why not.

i decided to tell haz instead of worrying about it for ages. anyway, he had been looking at me for ages with a confused face at why i was suddenly so intrigued on my phone instead of him.


"yes boo?"

"it okay if i go out tomorrow to see a friend"

"yeah, uh who is it?"


"she new?"

"nah i knew her since before the band was even formed but i haven't spoken to her in like a year"

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