The Duke of Waisend was already aware of the stalking taking place towards the woman he cared for yet he was unaware of who the stalker was, but he suspected the heir to Faintree. Unfortunately there was no proof for as creepy as the man was, he was very good at hiding things. 

He was very much aware that the Duke was onto him and he used this to his advantage and provoked him with talks of his stalking. He was successful in bringing out the worst in the Duke.

The Duke broke his nose in front of many at a gathering. The Faintree heir feigned innocence on the matter yet his father, the Earl at the time, was not convinced but he knew how he could use this to his advantage over the powerful duke. 

In order for this scandal to blow over for both families, they had to come to an agreement. The Earl of Faintree would publicly apologise and take the blame for the issue and ban his son from over going near the soon to be Waisend Duchess on condition that a future Faintree daughter is to marry a Waisend son. 

Although arranged marriages were very common, the Duke was against this. He did not want any of his future sons or even grandsons to be forced into a marriage. He wanted to offer them the choice of finding a love match. 

The Duke had tried to negotiate against this but the Earl of Faintree was a very stubborn old man. The Waisend family was to powerful of a chance to back down from. 

It was the Duchess that made him eventually give in. He knew how terrified she was of the Earl's son, he knew how much the perverted man creeped her out and he knew that there was no way to stop him without any evidence that it is him. He wanted to personally kill the man but he could not touch him. The ball was in the Earl's court and he was forcing him to give in. 

To further push him into the direction was the rumours that had started to spread of his bad temper and how he bullied and belittled those below him. This would be especially disastrous to someone in his line of duty where he worked closely with merchant families and lower ranked nobles. 

He had no choice but to give in thus the contract was signed and approved by King Alwin's court. Everything had been resolved and the young heir to Faintree had been the only one to lose out. He resented both his father and the Duke of Waisend for this. He eventually was forced to take a wife and start up his own family.

No one other than the Waisends and the Faintrees knew of the full story.

Erica only knew about some of it from the gossip she had over heard before she was excluded from society as it was around that time the incident took place but she was to little to let herself be bothered by it.

"Be quiet." A soft small voice complained.

Erica was drawn out of her thoughts by this and her eyes immediately locked in on two little figures trying to hide while they peered around the corner. A young girl and what looked like her little brother were anxiously watching Erica and the door to the Duchess's chambers.

"Hello." Erica gave a gentle smile. The little boy got a fright and hid behind his sister.

His sister knowing she had been caught did not even bother to hide anymore and walked up to Erica, her brother nervously holding onto her hand and walking behind her.

"Um...Miss, is Mother okay?" Her little eyes were filled with innocence and worry as she looked up at Erica.

From her question Erica immediately knew who these to were. The Duke and Duchess's children. 

"Your mother is in good hands." Erica tried to reassure them. 

The little girl gave a smile but she still looked a little worried. Erica could tell she was trying to be strong for her brother. 

"Wh...who are you?" It was the little boy who spoke this time. He shyly clung to his sister burying his chubby cheeks into her side.

"Cassius! Don't be rude." The little girl grumpily scolded him.

"No, it is quite alright. My name is Erica." She smiled.

Erica was not afraid of giving out her real name for she knew it was quite a common name in the kingdom so she had nothing to be afraid of.

"I'm Edith and I am six and this is my brother Cassius! Father says I must protect him cause he is only four!" The little girl gave a toothy smile and held up the incorrect number of fingers each time she said their ages.

"That is a very pretty name Edith." 

Edith giggled delighted with the answer.

"You have a pretty voice." Cassius let go of his sister but still slightly hid behind her.


"Yes! It's really pretty! Please sing!" Edith jumped with energy, interrupting Erica with her fast talking. 

Erica was taken back at the request, she had not sung since that horrible night ten years ago when she had lost her voice. She did not even know if her voice was ready for singing. 

She was about to decline the request but the Waisend children had a knack for getting what they wanted. Two pairs of bright little eyes stared at her filled with such hope, such innocence, such adorableness to melt even the coldest of hearts. 

"I can't sing here." Erica looked around. They were in a hallway in front of the Duchess's chambers no less. 

"That's okay, let's go outside then!" Edith grabbed her hand and dragged her in the direction of the nearest balcony, Cassius running ahead.

Erica barely had time to even react when Edith gently forced her to sit down on one of the couches plonking herself next to her. Cassius managed to get up and sit on a chair in front of her. There was silence as both siblings looked at her expectantly. 

Erica looked around hoping for a way out but there was none. The two little buggers had caught her. They were much higher than her in rank so it would be very rude and disrespectful to refuse them even if they were just children. 

Erica sighed knowing that there was no way of getting out of this. They were just children, curious about the world and many other things with a low attention span. In a few seconds they would get bored and move onto the next thing especially when they realise that she is completely out of practice when it comes to singing. In fact she doubted she could still even sing.

Taking a deep breath, she let the words flow out of a song she had last heard many years ago. 

Her voice came out rusty on the first few notes but soon became as smooth as a gliding stream. It was as sweet as honey and pleasant on all the ears that heard it. It left many of the servants and guards on duty that could hear it in a trance like state, dazed as it rang through their ears into their very being. 

A sailor would compare it to the tales of sirens who lure unsuspecting sailors to their deaths as it was bewitching to the very soul to which it consumed. It was very powerful and dangerous in its divine sound.

It was completely and undeniably addictive.

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