Chapter 13

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- Breathtaking -

Destiny doesn't have time to cross the threshold of the house when her parents come at her like angry beasts.

"Where did you go???"

"What were you thinking disobeying?"

"This time you've gone too far!"

"If this is some sort of rebellious phase of yours, end it now!"

"Destiny is-"

The girl interrupts the two who are stunned after seeing what she holds in her hands

"I'm sorry I went out even though you specifically told me to stay in the house, but given everything you do for me every day I wanted to give you a gift.... And by the way you know I hate being locked up in the house."
Destiny pulls out her sweet eyes, trying to soften her parents that still have a slightly angry expression

"Well you might as well have waited for the suspension period to end"
Her father points out

"I know..."

"did you really go out just to give us a present?"
Her mother asks with a slight smile.

Destiny decides to tell her only a half-truth, also because the full one would screw up her plan

"of course! What kind of questions are you asking?"
A strong sense of guilt lurks in the girl's heart, but she doesn't regret the choices she made

"You are forgiven for this one time, but you are not going out again until the suspension is over understood?"


Since it's dinner time, the three decide to order a pizza from their trusted pizzeria that always gives them a special discount since the owner and Destiny's father are longtime friends.


Finally the suspension period is over, Destiny and Nathan are jumping for joy since they got up, because the next day there will be the annual party organized by the mayor of the city, the only event where the decadent and the rich part join to celebrate together. Of course, not everyone looks forward to this event, the animosity created between the two "sides" in recent years now seems unbridgeable, but there are also those who think that all this is totally unnecessary and just take the opportunity to have fun and forget, even if only for one night, everything that surrounds them.


"Are you ready for tomorrow!"
Says Nathan all excited

"I was born ready my dear alchemist!"
The wolf answers just as enthusiastically

"I just want to be with you"
Audrey says with her usual shyness

"Don't worry sis, we'll have a lot of fun"
Destiny reassures her with a big smile on her face

"what are you guys planning on wearing?"
Audrey asks curiously

"no comment"
The other two say in unison, the girl puffs up her cheeks in a fake pout, though she was somehow hoping to match the two, given her low self-esteem.


The sun has just risen, the big day has just begun and already you can see decorations and stalls in every corner of the city. The stage where the classic parade will be held has been set the day before, now they are mounting the lights and positioning the seats, the owners of the stalls and stands are displaying gadgets and products of all kinds. The cooks and waiters are instead setting up the large buffet that together with the rest of the installations where food is sold will be the main meeting point of the less fortunate inhabitants, who like every year take advantage of the free food to fill their bellies. Evening is about to fall and the streets are already filled with groups of people ready to party. Destiny, Nathan and Audrey have made a beeline for the main street where the set-ups start.

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