04: ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴀ ᴡᴇɪʀᴅᴏ...

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What a weirdo...

3rd Pov

"Thank you again, senpai," Megumi said as he bows to Kyousuke, "I told you, it's fine," He reassured Megumi as he smiles a bit, "You guys should rest now," He said as he shoos them. They bow before leaving there,

While he walks to the playground when he's close enough to see a person sitting there, he sees a white-haired girl there, sitting all alone eating ice cream.

"Was stalking someone fun?" Kyousuke said as he sit on the swing, "Hm, what do you mean?" Yashiro said in an innocent tone, she look at her side,

She stood up as she fix her clothes using her free hand, "Shall we continue our date?" Yashiro said as a smile appeared on her face. Kyousuke nod in response, he stands up, waiting for the girl to finish her snack.

Hiro quickly throws the paper towel in the trash can when she was done, "Let's go?" She asks as she glances at him.


The weather today was too sunny making everyone go to the convenience store. Buying ice cream or whatever to withstand the heat. The convenience store owner might be happy cause of the sudden purchase of their products, for today...

the convenience store, there is a cafe shop beside it. This shop was quite popular because one of the coffee they sell, the coffee is not bitter nor sweet it is equal making everyone like it. Since it is afternoon people must be in the mall to survive the heat, some might not be but they do something so they can't die causing to heat today.

The cafe shop is popular but this afternoon there are few people, the people there were couples, best friends, singles, and them.

Sitting across each other, chatting and eating until the white-haired girl notices someone is staring at them more specifically the guy who sat across from her. "Ne~ne, do you have a friend who's tall, has a Dragon on their temple, and has a shrimp friend?" The white-haired girl asks as she looks curious about the stalkers they have.

"Eh, yes...? I have. But how did you know?" The silver-haired guy replied hesitantly as he looks at the girl surprised. "Hmm, so that's your friends," the girl said as she leans back in her seat. "What do you mean?" The guy asks as he looks confused.

"Someone is stalking us for more specific it's you, the one they're staring at," the girl answered as the guy went to look at his back, the girl stop him from doing that. "Since it's your friend, why don't we prank them before they arrive?" the girl said as she slightly laugh. The guys can only sign. "Do what you want..." He said as the white-haired girl smirked. 'heh'

Yashiro's Pov

As I stood up from my seat, I suddenly leaned close to Sanzu's face, Sanzu's face has a surprised expression before I can lean closer than before,

someone pulls my back collar, "Hey! my brother is off-limit," A familiar voice said, as I look behind me. I see a silver-haired similar to the one who sits across from me, Senju, Akashi Senju as she was going to be known as Kawaragi Senju. soon-to-be gang leader. Well, not sure tho.

I have a surprised face when I look behind her, "Oh, hi! Waka," I said as I look at him, smiling. Senju let go of my collar as she rushes to her brother, "Are you okay? did she hurt you? What did you do, Gojo?" Senju asks as her brother stays still, Sanzu, Akashi Haruchiyo is also known as Sanzu Haruchiyo.

I fix my collar as I forgot the stalker of us. Imaushi Wakasa, a former member of black dragon first-gen. "You guys are late, Waka," I said as I look at Wakasa,

"Senju had trouble picking her clothes," He said lazy tone. "Hey, stop changing the topic," Senju said as she turn around as I sit down,

"I'm not, then why don't we continue the topic? hm?" I said as I pull her close, I can tell without looking, Wakasa facepalm. "No, need," Senju said as she looks away with a rosy face, I smiled at the sight of a young female getting embarrassed,

"Let's go I pay already," I said as I pull my purse, I stand as Sanzu followed standing up. We start walking out of the shop, Senju's face has an excited expression, making me chuckle.

3rd Pov

As the five of them stay still, they have a bewildered expressions, "Who's that?" Takemichi asks, "I don't know her too," Draken answered takemichi who asks, as they all think about who's that person.

Takemichi thinks he meet her before, just not remembering where? and who is she. Takemichi thought was interrupted because of Draken,

"OI, Mikey," Draken shouted as he shakes his shoulder off Mikey, "Huh?" was all Mikey said. "I have been calling you for a while ago," Draken said as the four of them have their eyes widened, the next sentence Mikey said.

"She an angel"

"I knew I'm not the only one who thinks that," Chifuyu said as Mistuya smack his head, Takemichi suddenly yell making the four look at Takemichi. "What happen?!" Mikey asks as Takemichi points somewhere,

they look where takemichi points,

"Eh!?" "What's that? by any chance, is she taken?" Chifuyu shouts as Mikey sulk at the corner. Huhu...

Before they leave, Takemichi notices the White hair again, he looks around but sees nothing.

"eh, I never knew that he can sense me," a certain white hair said. Walking away happily, what a weirdo...

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