Episode 4: The Lab

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Monty's hand placed over his face, eyes blinking tiredly as he woke up. Running a hand through his hair and sitting up on his bunk, arms stretching as he yawned. "Morning Monty."

Yaz greeted, seeing that they were the first two getting up. Makes sense for their training schedules. Monty only hummed half asleep, Sammy was confused as she watched from her bed. Yaz didn't talk to anyone else, staying by herself, but yet here she was talking to Monty. Sammy frowned, she wanted to be Yaz's first friend...

"Campers! Who's ready for breakfast?" Dave asked excitedly and loudly as the door opened. Walking into the cabin, hands drumming on the walls and sides of the bunks. Other kids groaned at getting woken up by the loud counselor, Kenji groaning while turning to cover his head with the pillow. "Come on, up up Kenji let's go we got breakfast we gotta get!"

What kind of food is the real question. Monty thought as he was already out of his bunk, putting on his jean jacket. The inside of the jacket had a black softer layer with a hood that he pulled over his hair.

"Food is good! We've got a fun day planned for the day! Let's go see some dinosaurs!" Bella said, seeming to wake up with the hyper energy. Dave gave her a small look and shook his head, seeming to know something that she didn't. It almost made him guilty about how her day was gonna go for her. Almost; the fear that he had of the thought of almost losing one of the campers kept him from feeling guilty.

"This is delicious!" Ben commented as he was scooping up some more food in his mouth, taking a drink of his water. The rest of the campers were eating food, getting the energy for the day while Monty was staring at the food on his plate. He had eaten some of it, fork pushing the rest around. Roxie glanced over at the camper, feeling concerned, "Monty? Is there something wrong?"

She was hoping that he wasn't getting sick... Blue eyes glanced at Roxie before looking away, making her frown and believe that he didn't like her. She didn't know why or if she did something wrong... Monty sighed and put down his fork, standing up and leaving the room. Yaz watched him, her eyes a bit sadden as she recognized the pattern.

He must be on a diet, some companies can be harsh and he wouldn't be able to make an exception of being here. It doesn't matter if it's just took weeks, he has to keep it up. Yaz sighed silently, finishing her food. Monty was leaning against the railing of the balcony, staring out to the trees as Roxie whispered, "I hope he's okay..."

"He's fine." Yaz spoke, Sammy watching her with a frown again. Friends defend each other, why couldn't Yaz be her camp friend? She didn't understand!

The group left, Monty watching the scenery and wondering if his little compy buddy would escape out again. It would be a nice surprise.

"Enjoy cleaning this up." Roxie said while Ben covered his mouth before he could throw up, turning his head. Darius looked down at the shovel in his hand in shock, seeming hurt about what he was tasked to do. Feeling unfair about his punishment because of Kenji, Bella tightening her jaw while trying not to get upset.

"We're going to the genetics lab while you guys clean this up. Punishment for jumping into the raptor pen." Brooklyn took a picture of the three while Bella tightened her jaw, unfair punishment was something that she's used to. Even if she's used to, it still stings every time...

Monty had never left the back of the jeep as the campers climbed back in their seats. He could have stopped them last night if he had argued with them, but he really didn't feel like it. Dave remembered something, tossing a bottle over to Darius who dropped the shovel to catch it. "Cologne. That'll help with the smell, and the ladies."

"What- what? D-Dave-"

"But mostly the smell, the stench of dinosaur poo can really linger." He grimaced, Darius' pained argument fell on deaf ears as Bella grabbed his shoulder lightly. She shook her head, already knowing it wasn't any use as they watched the jeep drive away.

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