Episode 2: Bunked In

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Monty plopped down in the seat, sitting between Darius and Kenji. He leaned back against the side, relaxing in the warmth that the sunlight provided. Yaz was giving him small looks, enjoying seeing one her favorite artists in person but also giving him respect as a human.

He closed his eyes, blue bangs falling back from the gravity as he leaned his head back. Kenji noticed the way that the girls were looking at Monty; gushing over him silently and he cleared his throat before trying to copy Monty's natural cool style.

"I- I hope you got my mom's note! I don't do well on windy roads!" Ben cried out to the counselors, tightening his hands on the seatbelt straps as he already felt like he was going to get sick. Monty opened his eyes, lazily lifting his head to look at Ben and checking on him to make sure that he wasn't about to get sick.

"What's good Brooklanders? It's your girl! Coming at you from the best place ever! THE Camp Cretaceous! Like and subscribe to join me as I unbox Jurassic World!" Brooklyn said as she was recording herself, then glancing over at Monty who had went back to relaxing. He wouldn't admit it, but he did enjoy the outside and the only thing he would enjoy in this two weeks would be outside. Brooklyn grinned, already thinking about gaining new subscribers.

"Now! Are any of my Brooklanders a Foxii, because look at who's joining the Camp Cretaceous crew!" Brooklyn said as she turned her camera, Monty recognizing the familiar fandom name- his fans name. He let out a soft sigh, masking and sitting up to look at the fan with his usual smile that his fans knew while waving to the camera.

"I'll be hanging out with Viper the entire time and who's excited to see this star with the dinos!" Brooklyn said excitedly, keeping the camera on Monty as long as she could before turning it away. "Let's meet the rest of the Cretaceous Crew. Okay everyone, I need you to say who you and a little bit about yourself. Aaaaand action."

"Oh- oh... umm..." Darius was taken off guard from Brooklyn suddenly pointing the camera at him and Monty tightened his jaw again. What he hated the most is that she never asked anything or anyone if they actually wanted to be filmed or interviewed, she just did it. It irked him. "I, uh, I beat this awesome VR dinosaur game. I'm Darius, by the-"

"I'm sorry to cut in! But I just can't believe it... You're the Brooklyn! I'm Sammy Gutierrez, total Brooklander! Kapow!" She mocked the sound of a gun firing while doing finger guns. Her cheeks flushed in embarrassment or shyness, quickly pushing some hair behind her ear nervously. "Oh-oh also my family supplies all the needs for the park and that's how I got here."

"Great to meet you Sammy." Brooklyn said with a smile, Sammy immediately smiling back at the acknowledgment from her idol. Bella was staring at everything going down, especially from the question after question and the pushing of camera. It was familiar to her...

"Um... What's a Brooklander?" Darius spoke up, confused and looking at the two a little helpless. He didn't know what to do. Brooklyn glanced over, phone out the way. "Oh, that's just what my online followers call themselves."

"Uh, just all 27 million of us!" Sammy clarified while imitating the gunfire noises again. Monty's eye twitched at the annoying sound seeming to bounce in his head while Bella nervously held the edge of her shorts. "But Viper's got a million more than me."

Brooklyn said while Yaz quietly sighed, Monty watching the interaction. Darius looked over at Monty and asked, "And what are your fans called?"

"Foxiis." Monty propped his elbow on the side of the jeep, chin resting on his hand as he knew that he wouldn't be able to get any rest before they get to their destination. "It's based off a blue snake breed, blue's my signature color and wanted to go with the viper theme."

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