TWENTY TWO | picnics and promises

Start from the beginning

The Uzumaki was beginning to realize it, his crush on the girl was becoming intense lately, whatever infatuation he had for Sakura was beginning to fade rapidly and his attention found sunken to [Name] as of late. He couldn't get over the thought he produced before the Chunins though, the thought of [Name] finding herself falling for Sasuke, while Naruto found himself falling for [Name]. It was a messy concept, because it was only major assumptions and nothing could be confirmed on her end, so all he could do was assume at the moment. "I'm just happy we're spending time together. It's..been a while yaknow?"

Naruto was just happy to be in her presence.

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Konoha Hospital
Hidden Leaf.

And there began that irritation began to set in within the Uzumaki. The happiness depleted as [Name]'s attention drove to Rock Lee at the moment while they stayed in the hospital to visit the said boy. "My love! You come to visit me..?" Naruto rolled his eyes at the boy he seemed to be having an invisible competition to win [Name] over. The said girl giggled at the boy's nickname for her, placing her hand on top of his in amusement. "You seem to be doing better..!" She commented.

A bright smile flashed for the bowl cut haired boy, a slight thumbs up showing from too. He was so optimistic for what he was going through and possibly the long-term damage Gaara faced him with. Naruto had always looked at Rock Lee in a different, nicer light than this. He just hated the fact that he wasn't the center of attention at the moment. "How are you and Neji..?!" Rock Lee then asked the girl, whose neutral happiness turned into a frown.

"Eh," she commented, leaving much up for question at the moment. "He's..still.." she started in a mumble before eyeing over to Naruto, who stood to her right before she turned to face Lee, removing her hand from the top of his and clasping her hands together. "He's..working on it.." is all she could say, she didn't wanna disclose the fact that she felt negative about her brother at the moment.

Naruto didn't have much to comment on the issue, nor did Lee himself have much to say either rather just showing a nod of approval to the girl before gleaming another smile. "I'm sure that things will get better my love! You must have hope! Your brother may seem like a difficult person to get through but he has a sofr spot for you..!" He exclaimed to her, causing the slight frown to uptick into a smile of approval from her. "Yeah..You're right..! Hopefully, he figures it out.." she said back to him, before placing her hand on top of his again.

The Uzumaki once again rolled his eyes at the two before stepping back and leaning against the windowsill within the hospital room. He should be used to this by now, the attention that drew to her within Konoha. He had been friends with the girl for nearly a decade and he was just now getting jealous? Pathetic. He thought to himself, he felt absolutely pathetic for the way he felt at the moment. It would pass over, that for sure he knew. Just for the moment, he just had to be on his own.


"Sasuke..?!!" Well, that didn't even last a minute.. "I wasn't expecting you to show up this early.." [Name] mumbled out as the Uchiha walked into the hospital room to greet Lee. A small smile formed on his face as he waved to [Name] and Naruto, the latter glaring at the Uchiha in return. "Kakashi let me leave early." He stated to her, the boy had been getting in hours of training with Kakashi for the Chunin's since it was announced who his matchup was.

Naruto on the other hand winced, having not found one yet. "How about you...Naruto..have you found someone..?" Sasuke asked the boy almost mockingly. Naruto choked up under pressure, noticing [Name] looking in his direction in anticipation. "Oh!" a rather scheming of an idea came to his head. "I'm supposed to meet with him now— I'm sorry [Name]! ya know it just slipped my mind.." and before [Name] could speak up, the boy left the room in a hurry.

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