Chapter Sixty-Five, I Feel Sick

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"Is it okay if Delaine brings you to the bathroom with a pregnancy test? You'll have privacy of course." She asked and I nodded once more. I don't think I could bring myself to say anything. "Good. Just follow her, and it'll be alright Tord. I'll wait for you here." She told me and I hesitantly got up, watching as the nurse began to walk out with a box in her hands.

After taking a very nerve-racking pregnancy test and giving the unmarked test to the nurse, she brought me back to the private room. I sat down and stayed quiet as the nurse handed Dr. Anderson the test-in-progress. She simply set it aside and looked at me calmly. "While we wait, I'd like to discuss the best option if this is positive. Is that alright with you?" She asked for permission and I nodded, fidgeting with the bottom of my sweater. "If you are pregnant, the safest option aside from an abortion would be to remove the child and perform a sort of surrogacy for the remainder of its development. Your body is very unstable and mainly a man's body, which isn't built to sustain a child. If you were to shift into a man at any point, it might cause severe complications for you and the baby. That is the main reason why surrogacy would be better in this case. Do you agree? There are other options as well." She proposed and I gripped my sweater tightly. It was so much to think about, but she was right. It's a good solution if I don't want to kill the baby or hurt it.

"I um... Would this.. Be something we should do immediately? Or do I have time to ask my partner?" I asked nervously. The kind British lady smiled once more to keep me from further freaking out and glanced at the pregnancy test that we were waiting on. "While it would ideally be as soon as possible, you can have time to discuss options with your partner. We wouldn't want the baby to be born against anyone's will, and not have good parents because of it." She reasoned and I nodded. That made me feel a little better, knowing I could talk to Tom first. "Of course, if the pregnancy test is negative, you might want to take another just in case. Your body is mainly male, which would hide the signs of pregnancy for the most part. That includes some important elements, like the hormonal change that shows if you're pregnant on a urine test. All of that aside, it's almost done. Have you had breakfast yet? It's quite early." She asked as a form of small talk. "No. I'm sort of hungry." I admitted an she motioned to the nurse to go get food. "You'll be here for a while, so Delaine will get you a good breakfast." She told me and I nodded.

"Quiet today hm? You've changed so much over the years, Red Leader. And now you might be having a baby! Oh, how things change so fast!" She exclaimed rather unprofessionally. I smiled slightly and clasped my hands together. "Things have changed a lot, you're right." I remarked and sighed. "But I'm still the same really. Just older and more tired. I guess that's how life is." I mumbled and she nodded, glancing at the test again. "Oh! Would you like the results?" She asked and I gripped my hands. "Yes." I responded quietly and the doctor held out the test to me. "It's positive." She told me as I stared at the red lines. My breath ceased as my chest tensed up. It was hard to believe what it said. "Don't worry Tord, it'll be okay." She assured me and set the test down. I tensed when she gently hugged me, but I appreciated it. I hesitantly hugged her as well and rested my tired head on her shoulder. "Being a mother-to-be is a lot to think about, it's natural to be afraid. It's okay." She whispered and I let out a shaky breath in an attempt to wind down. I took more pitiful breaths as I calmed down in some stranger's arms. I still trusted her enough to hug me, that's something.

"Um... Could you call Blue Leader now? Orrr page him or something-???" I asked awkwardly and she laughed, letting go of me. "Well why don't you call him? I'm sure he'd respond faster that way." She suggested and I blinked. Oh, right, I'm his boyfriend. I pulled out my phone from my pant-pocket and called Tom's number. It was first in my contacts, beside my parents' phone numbers. The call was picked up quickly, followed by a lot of cussing and noises. It sounded like he dropped his phone in the trash can, what a dodo. I eventually heard Tom respond in an attempted calm voice. "What's up Norski? Did your organs come out in the toilet?" He retorted and I rolled my eyes. I laid back in my chair and placed a hand on where my soon-to-be baby rested. "No Thomas, something a lot more important than that. Are you in private?" I asked as I prepared in my mind how to start this off. "Yeah, I'm just in my office signing all these endless papers. Boring day if you ask me. But what's the news sex kitten?" He purred and I visibly cringed at this new nickname.

"Stop this tomfoolery, literally. This is serious." I hissed and could feel his aura change as his tone did. "Alright, tell me Tord. I'm listening." He responded with a more respectable demeanor. "I'm not really sure how I should say this, but uhh... I'm... Erm... I'm sort of prego in my ego." I said to lighten the crushing weight of what I had to convey. "... Like the waffles? Did you fuck waffles Tord-?" He asked cluelessly and I groaned. "Babe please- use your two vodka-free braincells-." I spoke impatiently, rubbing my smooth face tiredly. "Ummm... Subtract the waffles... What else is there? "Prego in my ego-" is that code-? Are you being held hostage-?" He asked worriedly and I resisted the urge to break my phone. "Listen here dipshit- I've got a baby-." I snarled and heard the pure silence on the other side. I nervously clenched my free hand and stared at the ground. I felt nauseous and anxious, which was a bad combination. Then, the Brit finally spoke up. His voice wavered unsurely as he talked.

"Where are you?" My heart beat aggressively in my chest and head. I felt like I would really throw up. I gripped my stomach and wobbled slightly. I felt dizzy and sick. I felt faint. "I-I'm in the medical center." I told him and flinched when I felt the doctor support me. She must have noticed my sickly symptoms. "I'll be there as soon as possible, don't go anywhere." He said sternly before hanging up. I set down my phone and the doctor gently coaxed me into drinking a glass of water. "Are you okay? You look like you're going to pass out. Please, tell me how you're feeling." She insisted and I rubbed my upset stomach. "I-I feel like I'm going to puke. And I'm s-so dizzy." I gasped out and set down the empty glass. The sweet doctor smiled in an attempt to sooth me. "Just relax, I'll get a nurse to bring you some medicine, okay?" She told me and got up from her crouched position. I nodded and tried to calm down from my anxious state. She quickly sent the nurse off to bring medicine, and went back to urging me to drink water little by little. On top of my near panic attack, I had the weight of Thomas coming on my mind. God, what a mess today was.

(Yes the cliche trope of getting sick and it being pregnancy- what do you want from me-? It can't all be original twists-.)

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