Chapter 13

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As soon as Emma strolled  into the sheriff's station, David ran up to her. "Okay," he began . "So here's what we know about the blackmailer so far. We still don't know if it's a male or female but we think they have a partner or at least an accomplice." He waited for her to let the information sink in. She shuffled to her wooden desk in her office as her father followed behind.

"Well fuck. Sit down and tell me everything you found so I have some idea of how we're going to catch these people." Feeling a headache coming on, she rubbed her right temple.


After her discussion with David, Emma looked at the time, seeing that it was 1:30pm. She gathered her stuff and relayed to the man, "Dad, I'm gonna go pick up some lunch for me and Regina and take it to her, I'll be back around 2:30. Text or call me if you need anything."

Looking up from his paperwork David answered, "Sure thing Emma, have a great lunch. Oh, and tell Regina what's going on okay?"

Rolling her eyes she walked past him and announced, "Of course."


As Emma entered Granny's Diner she was greeted by Ruby, a tall slender brunette with bright red streaks in her hair. "Hi ya 'Em. Do you want your usual?"

"Yeah, and a grilled chicken sandwich with pickles, lettuce, tomato and low fat mayonnaise with an apple tea please."

The wolf smiled with a knowing look, smelling Regina on her. "I assume that's for our mayor?"

"Wipe that look off of your face. Oh and if you haven't guessed it's to go." Emma said sarcastically with a crooked grin. She loved the teasing banter that went on between Ruby and herself.

A few minutes later she had their food in hand and was on her way home.


Regina sensed Emma pull into the driveway with her magic. 'That's odd. I've never felt Emma like this before.' She thought to herself curiously.

A couple minutes later Emma came strutting through the door into the foyer, her hands full with a couple of bags of food. "Regina, I'm home!" The blonde announced feeling like she could do this for the rest of her life. Coming home to Regina was something she could foresee happening.

The sheriff suddenly felt the brunette's magic. "Miss Swan, how many times am I going to have to tell you to not yell when you are in the house?" Regina purred in her ear from behind her, causing the younger woman to jump.

"Holy crap 'Gina! You almost made me drop our food!" Emma attempted to scold the other woman unsuccessfully.

Regina chuckled and said in a sultry voice, "I've been waiting for you, 'Em-ma'." The blonde slowly turned finding dark eyes drinking her in ravenously. "Let me take a bag from you and we can sit in the living room and eat, if that's okay with you."

Emma swallowed hard and eeked out, "Y-yeah that's fine."


The women shared the couch eating their sumptuous lunch, eyeing one another with want. Once they were finished both Emma and Regina cleaned up. Emma relayed the information that her father had given her and made a solid plan on what they were going to try to do to catch this person or people. The blonde fished her phone out from her beloved red leather jacket. Seeing that it was almost 2:30 she jokingly announced, standing up. "Well, I guess I should get back to the station. My boss is kind of a hardass."

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