Chapter 8

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As Regina approached the hotel door she heard the familiar voice on the other side scream, "R'Gina!!!" A wide smile grew across her extremely feminine face. I know what's going on in there. I think I'm going to have a little fun at the sheriff's expense. She waited a minute or two so she could give the younger woman a little time to collect herself then knocked hard. Hearing manic scuffling she chuckled and shook her head waiting for the other woman to answer the door.

Emma opened the door, her pale cheeks flushed a deep shade of red. "Uhhh hi. Come on in."

A firm smile on the brunette's face greeting her as soon as she was in the door. "Hello Miss Swan. What exactly were you doing?"

Panic set in the blonde's face. "Uh....ummmm nothing, why?"

Regina immediately made her way to the master bedroom and found what she was looking for on the bed. Elegantly sitting on the piece of furniture, she snatched up the laptop that was hastily neglected and saw what she had suspected she would. A sultry grin grew across her visage as she perked an eyebrow at the younger woman, "Nothing hmmm?"

"I....uhhhh.... I....was just..." Emma stuttered as her skin paled even further than her natural skin tone.

"It's alright Emma, I heard you from outside the door. I'm not mad, if anything I'm intrigued and flattered."

Flabbergasted, her eyes popped open at the response she got. "Wait, what? You're not mad?"

Standing up from the bed, Regina slowly crept up to the blonde and boldly grabbed her hand. "Not at all." she said. "Did you hear me say that I'm intrigued, didn't you?"

"No, I was tripped up when you said you weren't mad, sorry."

Stroking up and down the sheriff's arm gently the mayor inquired, "Don't you want to know why I'm intrigued?"

Green eyes lowered to the petite hands on her forearms, "Uh sure. Unless you're gonna say that you're wondering how long I've been a pervert."

"Far from it actually. I'm curious as to why you were masturbating to a video of me. Not just me, but of me with another woman. Can you answer that for me?" The sincerity was evident in the deep chocolate eyes.

With her head hung and attention still drawn to the other woman's hands still rubbing her arm Emma started getting a little upset she pulled herself away, "Well shit Regina! To be blunt, you're hot! You're seriously attractive! I've always been drawn to you! I guess I was just wanting to be the other woman in the videos!" She began pacing the room.

"What do you mean?" The interest was evident in Regina's tone.

Getting frustrated with her inability to express her feelings Emma surged forward grabbing the woman's hips and smashed her pale pink lips to plump blood red ones. She abruptly ended the kiss.
"Oh my god! I am SO sorry Regina! I just....just..." She stumbled over her words trying to explain no, apologize.

Regina licked her lips, savoring the taste and noticed that the sheriff was watching her lips with rapt attention, "It's alright Miss Swan. How long have you felt like this?"

The blonde started pacing once again, "Geez Regina I don't know, for forever." She answered quietly, barely audible.

"Well to be blunt myself I've always felt like there was something more between us as well. you want to try that kiss again?" A perfectly manicured eyebrow raised again with a hint of hope written on the face of the older woman.

Emma simply nodded, affirming her desire. Regina stepped forward and gently placed her hands on the former's waist looking into grassy eyes searching for permission to continue. Seeing the reaction she wanted she leaned in slowly and brought their mouths together. Their lips moving against each other's, Regina peeked her tongue out silently asking approval to enter the blonde woman's mouth, making the conscious decision to move her hands from the sheriff's slim waist to her tone back and pulled her closer so the younger woman was flush against her, sharing her warmth. The brunette moaned as soon as she was granted entrance to the sumptuous cavern of Emma's mouth, moving one of her hands to the woman's hair gripping it tightly.

Emma moaned in response to the slight pain the lithe but strong fingers were creating, relishing the delicious taste of Regina's mouth. Good lord, I can't believe this is happening. I finally get to kiss this exquisite creature. This is gonna change everything, EVERY FUCKING THING! 

Regina noticed a pause on Emma's end and began to remove her hands, which Emma took as a sign that the brunette was regretting her decision and quickly retreated. "I....I'm sorry...maybe we shouldn't do that again." The sheriff stuttered quietly, her head hung once again.

The mayor had barely heard her and jerked away from the sudden rejection and lifted the blonde's head with a finger under her chin, "Only if you want to," she answered just as softly.

"You started backing away though. I thought you had changed your mind." Emma blurted out a little more loudly.

"I was, but only because I thought you were not okay with it. Being who I am," she paused, having a hard time finishing her thought, "with what I did in my past." Regina replied just as quietly as Emma had previously, suddenly ashamed of her old behavior back in the Enchanted Forest.

Summoning up the courage Emma shared her feelings, at least with that subject, "Regina, that's your past, emphasis on past. I don't think of you like that. Far from it actually."

"Honestly? I find that hard to believe, but if you say so." The brunette grabbed her by the hip again with one hand, the other returning to her hair, and kissed her with the fervor that she had pent up from her own fantasies of the woman in her arms. This time when she had gotten access from the woman she thoroughly explored her mouth, mapping it with her tongue, memorizing it as best as she could. A moan could be heard but neither one of them knew who it came from, in reality it was a simultaneous reflex.

Emma slid her hands up Regina's back under her T-shirt when it occurred to her that the older woman was actually wearing an old 80's rock band t-shirt. Pulling back Emma took a long look at the woman, her eyes slowly sweeping over the face, body and especially the T-shirt before her.

Regina bit her full lip, uncharacteristically bare of any lipstick then released it, and warily questioned, "What's wrong? Have you changed your mind?"

Snorting gleefully, the blonde snickered, shaking her head, "Uh....since when do you wear rock band T-shirts?"

It was the mayor's turn to stumble over her words, not understanding the humor Emma found in it. "Ummm.... I wear them around the house and sometimes to bed as well as when I'm out of town, why?"

"Well it's just not your typical attire, that's all," she said, grinning softly at the woman.

"Do you not like it?" Concern flashed over her face as Regina blushed.

Jade eyes got as large as saucers and swiftly raised her arms out in front of her, palms facing Regina, "NO! Not at all! I mean I like it!! Maybe a little too much."

"Once the town line was accessible for everyone to pass I wanted to explore the outside world a bit more since I had only been out of Storybrooke to get Henry, I discovered this band I really liked and went to a concert one weekend. You  had Henry so I thought it would be alright." She rambled nervously, again out of character.

Gathering her back into her arms Emma continued, "Yeah but, Metallica Regina? I just never imagined you listening to them let alone go to their concert. What else don't I know about you?" Her overwhelming lust showed through her inquiry, a crooked smile developing.

Regina responded with arousal bleeding with her words, "A lot of things I'm sure but you will have to discover them, won't you?"

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