Chapter 2

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Emma woke up around 11am, the late morning sun blazing in her room striking her head where it lay on the pillow. Dragging herself out of bed she stumbled to her private bathroom and turned the enormous shower on water springing from the double shower heads, one from above and the other attached to the wall. Years in the foster system had given her some odd habits, one being that she brushed her teeth in the shower while the conditioner in her hair soaked in.

Since today was her day off she had a few activities planned for Henry and herself. She was going to take him to lunch at Granny's, nothing different there. Then she was taking him to the forest to build an impromptu fort for him to play in. While she was finishing dressing a call came in. Glancing at her phone she recognized her father's ringtone blaring, Some Day My Prince Will Come from the movie Snow White, and picked it up. "Hi dad, what can I do for you?"

He grinned from ear to ear at hearing his daughter calling him dad, "Well, Snow is going to a spa today with Ashley and Aurora so I thought we could hangout today, what do you say?"

She could hear the hopefulness in his voice, "If you're interested I was going to take Henry to Granny's for lunch then the woods to build a fort to play in. You're welcome to come along."

"Sounds great! Do you want me to bring anything? Tools, drinks?" He asks the excitement obvious in his voice.

She shook her head, "No, just your wonderful self. Wait, maybe those wooden swords too." Hanging up she chuckles, a crooked grin making itself home on her image.

"Alrighty, meet you at Granny's?"

"Sure, by dad."


Regina woke up late the next morning, 11:00am, she had finished up her scene late the previous night, she enjoyed it to a certain extent but she was not feeling completely "satisfied" and didn't know what to do about it. She had discussed it with another actress, Raven, and she suggested that she should do a woman on woman scene. Regina was taken aback at the idea, at first, however the more she thought about it the more it intrigued her. She had always been attracted to both men and women, she had even had a dalliance with a woman back in the Enchanted Forest but that had been many years ago and didn't know if she had what it took to be adequate enough for a scene with another female.

She concluded that she should take advantage of the hotel's amenities and made an appointment for a full body massage. Fully showered and dried off, the brunette put on the fluffy off white robe that the establishment provided and waited for the masseuse to arrive.

As soon as there was a knock at the door she crossed the expansive room in three strides immediately opening the door. Her eyes enlarged at the image in front of her, a gorgeous blonde woman with sapphire eyes greeted her. The woman, whose name tag said Emily, was an Emma look alike all except for her eyes. Toned arms and legs, perky breasts with an ass to match was what she noticed right off the back.

"Hi, I'm Emily, I'm here to give you your massage." Emily announced, although it came out more like a question.

Sputtering, the mayor replied, "O-oh-oh yes, come in please."

The azure eyed vixen smiled and carried in a portable massage table. "Where would you like me to set up?"

"Any-anywhere is fine." Regina continued to stutter, her voice getting huskier.

The blonde unfolded the table and prepared everything that was needed, scented oils and lotions, extra towels, incense, the works. Noticing that the brunette had walked into the room she glanced up to see coal black eyes gazing at her. "You're Regina right?"

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