You're on your period (Siva)

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You're in bed when suddenly a sharp pain shoots through you. Its unbearable. You get up trying not to wake Siva and go to the bathroom. You pull your undies down and sigh at the familiar red stain. "Ow." you wince. You go downstairs to take some painkillers. As soon as you swallow them you leave the kitchen to head back to bed. You hear footsteps before turning to see Siva looking concerned.

"Y/N sweetie are you okay? Whats wrong?"

"Oh Siva." You sigh. "I didnt want to wake you. I feel horrible. My lady time came."

"Darling come here." Siva pulls you into a hug "If you're not well don't be afraid to wake me. I hate seeing you in pain. I'm here to protect you." Siva's embrace makes you warm inside. "Come on love let's get you cleaned up." He leads you back upstairs. "I'm sorryy" You whisper.

"No its alright honey."  Siva kisses you gently. "Nothing to apologise over these things happen. Don't cry its alright. I'm here."

"Siva my head hurts." You whimper. "I hate lady time its horrible."

"I know honey. How about we back up to bed and i'll give you a massage maybe tell you some secrets." You beam at the idea. Siva picks up you up bridal style and carries you back to bed. In bed he holds you in his arms massaging your temples. "Relax baby girl. I'm here. everything's alright." Siva strokes your hair before he whispers in your ear. "Close your eyes. I'm not leaving you." You feel much more relaxed with Siva's calming voice whispering in your ear soon you're sound asleep in his embrace with Siva whispering his secrets. 

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