I gave a horrified look and glance over my shoulder to see Jo standing by the jukebox. She looks at me as she carries a tray to the bar, she gives me a wink and sets the tray down, looking over at Dean.

I look back at Sam and in a panic, I pull my hands away. "So, this weather huh? Pretty humid out!" I said, flashing an awkward and nervous smile. "Yeah sure." Sam mumbled, looking away and seeming disappointed.

Ash then comes back over, relieving us of this tension. "Here you go." He said, handing Sam some papers he print it up. "Great thanks." Sam said, taking it, and getting up. "We have a match. We've gotta go." He said to Dean as we hurrying over to him and Jo. "All right, Jo. See you later." Dean said getting up and following us outside.

I sat in the backseat, grimacing at Dean as he sings, Can't Fight This Feeling. Sam look up from the papers Ash gave him and look at Dean surprise. "And even as I wander, I'm keeping you in sight You're a candle in the window on a cold dark winter night And I'm getting closer than I ever thought I might..."

"You're kidding, right?" Sam asked Dean, getting him to stop singing. "I heard the song somewhere, I can't get it out of my head, I don't know, man. Whaddya got?" Dean asked.

Sam looks back down at the stack of papers in his lap. "Andrew Gallagher. Born in eighty three, like me. Lost his mother in a nursery fire exactly six months later, also like me." Sam explained. "You think the demon killed his mom?" I asked. "Sure looks like it." Sam replied.

"How did you even know to look for this guy?" Dean asked him. "Every premonition I've had, if they're not about the demon they're about the other kids the demon visited. Like Max Miller, remember him?" Sam asked. "Yeah, but Max Miller was a pasty little psycho." Dean said.

"The point is he was killing people. And I was having the same type of visions about him. And now it could be happening all over again with this Gallagher guy." Sam said. "How do we find him?" I asked. "Don't know. No current address, no current employment. He still owes money on all his bills... phone, credit, utilities..." Sam said.

"Collection agency flags?" Dean asked. "None in the system." Sam replied. "They just let him take a walk?" Dean asked. "Seems like it. There's a work address from his last W-2, about a year ago. Let's start there." Sam said.

We arrived at Nebraska Guthrie, Oklahoma, and enter a coffee shop. We sat at a table and ask the waitress, Tracy about this Andrew guy. "You won't get anything out of Andy, guys. I'm sorry, but they never do." She said as she poured coffee into a cup for Dean. "They?" Sam asked.

"You're debt collectors, right? Once in a while they come by. I don't know what Andy says to them, but they never come back." Tracy explained. "Actually we're, we're lawyers. Representing his Great Aunt Leta. She passed, God rest her soul, and left Andy a sizable estate." Dean said.

"Yeah. So are you a friend of his?" I asked. "I used to be, yeah. I don't see much of Andy anymore." Tracy replied, looking sad. "Andy? Andy kicks ass, man." A man said, coming from around Tracy and taking a seat at our table. "Is that right?" Dean asked him.

"Yeah. Andy can get you into anything. He even got me backstage at Aerosmith once, it was beautiful, bro." The man said. "Uh-Huh. How about bussing a table or two, Weber?" Tracy asked him. "Yeah. You bet, boss." Weber replied, getting up and walking off.

"Look, if you want to find him, try Orchard Street. Just look for a van with a barbarian queen painted on the side." Tracy told us. "Barbarian queen?" I asked. "She's riding a polar bear. It's kind of hard to miss." Tracy replied, smirking.

We stake out Orchard Street, watching the aforementioned van-with-barbarian-queen. "I'm sorry, I'm starting to like this dude. That van is sweet." Dean said. "If you say so." I said, looking at the van, unimpressed.

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