"Mr. Joffey..." Dean said, as we all took a seat at a table. "Jaffey." Max corrected him. "Jaffey. You checked yourself in here, right?" Dean asked him, Max nods. "Can I ask why?" Dean asked. "I was a little stressed. I survived a plane crash." Max said, annoyed.

"Uh huh. And that's what terrified you? That's what you were afraid of?" Dean asked him. "I... I don't want to talk about this anymore." Max said, anxiously. "See, I think maybe you did see something up there. We need to know what." Dean said, not backing down. "No. No, I was... delusional. Seeing things." Max said.

"He was seeing things." Dean said, glancing to Sam and I. "It's okay. Then just tell us what you thought you saw, please." Sam said, gently. Max sigh. "There was...this... man. And, uh, he had these... eyes... these, uh... black eyes. And I saw him... or I thought I saw him..." He explained.

Max then goes quite. "What?" I asked. "He opened the emergency exit. But that's... that's impossible, right? I mean, I looked it up. There's something like two tons of pressure on that door." Max replied, I nodded. "Yeah." I muttered, quietly.

"This man, uh, did he seem to appear and disappear rapidly? It would look something like a mirage?" Sam asked him. "What are you, nuts?" Max asked, Sam tilts his head. "He was a passenger. He was sitting right in front of me." Max said.

After seeing Max we went to our next stop, the home of Mr. Phelps, who was responsible for the plane crash. We pulls up in front of a house and got out of the Impala. "So here we are. George Phelps, seat 20C." Sam said, staring at the house. "Hmm. Man, I don't care how strong you are. Even yoked up on PCP or something, no way you can open up an emergency door during a flight." Dean said, leaning on his car.

"Not if you're human. But maybe this guy George was something else. Some kind of creature, maybe, in human form." Sam said, turning around to look at Dean. "Does that look like a creature's lair to you?" Dean asked, Sam turns to look at the perfectly ordinary house. I shrugged. "Creatures do come in all shapes of crazy." I said.

The boys and I sat across from Mrs. Phelps, the now widow wife of Mr. Plane-Crash. Sam picks up a framed photograph to look at it. "This is your late husband?" He asked her. "Yes, that was my George." Mrs. Phelps said, with a nod. "And you said he was a... dentist?" Dean asked her, as Sam puts the photo back.

"Mm-hm. He was headed to a convention in Denver. Do you know that he was petrified to fly? For him to go like that..." Mrs. Phelps said, unable to continue her sentence. "How long were you married?" I asked. "Thirteen years." Mrs. Phelps replied, with a bittersweet smile.

"In all that time, did you ever notice anything... strange about him, anything out of the ordinary?" Sam asked. "Well... uh, he had acid reflux, if that's what you mean." Mrs. Phelps said, the boys and I looked at each other.

"I mean it goes without saying. It just doesn't make any sense." Sam said as we left Mrs. Phelps's house, walking back to the car. "A middle-aged dentist with an ulcer is not exactly evil personified." Dean said.

"You know what we need to do is get inside that NTSB warehouse, check out the wreckage." I said to them. "Okay. But if we're gonna go that route, we'd better look the part." Sam said.

I stood outside Mort's for Style store, wearing a white blouse, black dress pants and black blazer that I kept fidgeting with. "Man, I look like one of the Blues Brothers." I heard Dean say behind me.

I turn around and saw the boys wearing crisp black suits with white shirts. My heart burst in my chest when I saw Sam in a suit, as he adjusts his collar. Oh man. In that suit he's like... the most handsomely handsome man that ever handsome!

....Damnit! I'm supposed to be getting over him and here he is in a suit! Just when I think I'm getting there, he pulls me back in!

"No, you don't. You look more like a... seventh-grader at his first dance." Sam teased and Dean looks down at himself. "I hate this thing." He grumbled. "Hey. You want into that warehouse or not?" Sam asked him.

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