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Valerie was back in her room, with all her old toys and all her old likes.  She couldn't sleep.  One night, she had tried making a nest on the floor, but that didn't seem to be what she missed.  Valerie turned and looked through the pink half-light.  Salome was sitting up in her bed reading an old hard bound paper novel.  Her father always sent such romantic gifts, it made Salome's mother happy.  Valerie took the pillow from under her head and covered her face. 

     There was a knock at the door presently. 

     "Wer sein da?" Valerie groaned.

     "Ich bin es," whispered Alaric's voice.

     Salome looked up from her book.  "Come in," she hissed.  She smoothed her hair where it fell over her shoulder. 

     Valerie saw her brother come in then, shirtless but still wearing his boots.  His eyes passed her over.  He went to Salome's bed. 

     "I was hoping you would come see me," Salome whispered.

     Valerie couldn't stand this.  Trip's family had arrived tonight, after she had been told to go up to bed.  She was supposed to take a test tomorrow, so she could pass the last level of required schooling and be graduated.  They treated her like a child and she was sixteen years old! 

     Valerie sat suddenly.  "I can't be here!" she said.  She took one blanket from the bed and threw it about her as a cloak.  If Alaric could leave his room to visit Salome then Valerie would leave her room. 

     She found the hall dark and silent and crept along the carpet.  A whisper came to her, the scent of cloves.  "Valerie."

     "Trip!" she hissed. 

     He found her in the dark and hugged her.  "Meri told me you were sent to bed," he laughed.

     "I was."  He drew back into the darkness.  He was only a voice. 

     "Mara will be missing me."

     "I'll see you tomorrow," Valerie whispered.

     She felt her way through the hall, found the couch along the wall and knew she wanted the next door.  There was a little light here, the moon shining through the narrow window at the end of the hall.  Valerie tried the knob, and the door was unlocked.  She slipped inside quickly.  Rozz and Tris were lying in their bed, whispering.   Tris turned around and looked at Valerie.

     "I want to sleep with you," Valerie said. 

     It was Rozz who answered.  He sat up just a little and lifted the covers just the other side of him. "C'mon, get in bed."

     Valerie skittered across the cool floor, onto the rug that lay under the bed.  She dropped her blanket and scooted into bed with Rozz.  He lay the covers over her as they inched down.  It was much warmer here than in the hall, and Valerie wasn't alone.  Her cold little feet rubbed each other to get warm, and then she accidentally touched Rozz's feet.  Her toe slid up his leg.  "You don't have any clothes on," she whispered. 

     The only light came from the large window behind her.  Valerie could see a little of Rozz's face, his dark eyes were watching her just like she watched him. 

     "No, we're not dressed," he whispered. 

     They just lay staring.  A hand touched Valerie's leg, lifted the hem of her gown.  Rozz's hands were folded near his chest where Valerie could see, and when the dizziness hit she knew it was Tris touching her.  Valerie wondered if Tris told Rozz about all the times he had been near Valerie knowing how she wanted Rozz.  The way he was acting: it didn't seem like something a jealous person would do. 

Saints of Evil | Trepidation Trilogy | The Empty World SequenceWhere stories live. Discover now