Chapter Twelve: Theo's Birthday Morning

Start from the beginning

"Happy birthday, babe." I say, leaning over to give him a deep kiss.

Mila, being Mila, doesn't like me taking her Daddy's attention off of her. She pushes my face away and leans down to give Theo several kisses on his cheeks. "Ahhh! The kiss monster is getting me!"

Theo turns over in the bed, taking Mila with him. They play wrestle for a little bit while I listen to the sound of Mila's shrieks and giggles. Kai must be curious about what all the noise is about, because he comes into the bedroom. He stops for a second, then jumps into the bed.

I release a loud laugh as he helps Mila pin Theo down to the bed. "Happy birthday, Dad! It's time for your thirty-seven birthday pinches." Kai announces loudly.

His voice is full of mirth as he gently pinches Theo wherever he can. Mila tries to help, but she's too busy laughing her tiny butt off.

"Help me, Hazel!" Theo fake bellows, trying to throw Kai off of him. I know he could get Kai off if he really tried, but it's clear that he's enjoying wrestling with both his kids.

"Nope, you're on your own." I state, slowly backing up towards the door.

"Thirty-three, thirty-four, thirty-five, thirty-six, annnd thirty-seven." Kai counts out his last pinches, releasing Theo once he's done counting.

"I'm gonna get you for that!" Theo warns Kai, tossing our son off of his body.

Before Theo can get Kai pinned down, Kai jumps off the bed and races out of the room. My husband grabs our daughter, tosses her over his shoulder, and runs out of the room. Mila bounces with laughter on Theo's shoulder as I run behind them.

Kai is surprisingly quick. He races down the stairs, turns into the living room, making a big loop into the kitchen. I watch his eyes widen when he realizes he backed himself into a corner. He's standing on one side of our kitchen island, Theo standing on the other.

My husband laughs manically, places Mila down on the counter, shouting at her to get him. Mila doesn't waste any time, she races across the counter and jumps on her brother.

"I thought you were on my side!" Kai yells when he catches Mila. She starts tickling him under his chin while Theo runs around the other side of the island, grabbing Kai around his waist.

He tickles our sons sides while he laughs loudly. I laugh along with my family as I watch this all unfold. "Wait! I have an idea! Let's get Mom!" Kai says, panting from laughing so hard.

All of them stop tickling each other, seeming to contemplate that idea. "No! I'm an innocent!"

My voice is breathless from running and Theo says, "You didn't help me. Get her!" He commands our children.

Turning on my heel, I start running through the house. Instead of heading to the stairs like any smart person would do, I run right into the living room. Kai and Theo are covering any of my exits. I don't see Mila, but I know she's probably going to surprise attack me.

Suddenly, there's a tug on the bottom of my sleep shirt. Looking down, I see Mila. She wraps her body around my legs shouting, "I GWOT MAMA!"

The boys all charge at me. Theo lifts me up, dropping me down onto the couch. Mila let go of me with the motion. She climbs up on the couch beside Theo, sitting on my legs. Kai grabs my arms and rises them above my head, exposing my armpits.

I laugh, thrashing around in their holds. "We got you now!" Theo cackles, wiggling his fingers.

He reaches towards my armpits and proceeds to tickle me. My face turns red from my laughter while Mila turns around on my legs, tickling my feet with her tiny hands. "Get off me, heathens!" I demand.

"Nah. I'm happy where I am." Kai smarts, keeping my arms above my head.

"Sway uncwle!" Mila shouts.

"Yeah! Say uncle and we'll stop." Theo chips in.

"Uncle! Uncle! Uncle!"

Their hands all let go of me while I lay here, panting uselessly. That was the most exercise I've done in a while. Everybody else doesn't seem to be faring any better. They're all red in the face in laughing. Even my baby's chubby cheeks are rosy and her eyes sparkle with joy.

"Next birthday, I'm going to tie you to the bed before you wake up. I'll have the kids come in and tickle you to death." I warn Theo.

He winks at me and plops down on the floor, leaning his back against the couch. "I'd like to see you try, woman."

My eyes roll and I reach over, flicking his ear. "You're lucky I love you."

"Miwa wuv Daddy too!" Mila shouts like she's being left out.

"Yeah, I love Dad too." Kai chirps, giving Theo a noogie.

"I love all of you too. This is the best birthday morning ever." My husband says with a large smile on his face.

His birthday evening is going to be even better. He's going to love the gift I got him for tonight. I can't wait.

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