Love and All Trivial Matters (Albus Severus Potter)

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"Healer Ambrose," A nurse knocked on my office door with heaps of paperwork that already had me sinking to the ground "These are the patient files of the aurors that were hit with a curse in the French catacombs"

"Just set them down" I smile at the lovely nurse although crumbling on the inside. I had worked so hard for this job and gave up so much, and yet, I'd be willing to leave at this moment. Groaning, I levitated the stack of folders to my table - there were just so much.

We had gotten news that there had been a team of aurors that had gotten struck by some sort of curse. We really hadn't figured it out yet, but it definitely took a beating on the aurors based on the vitals I had received when they first came in. I was on a leave when I had gotten news so I haven't exactly seen them yet. According to the files, there were three that nearly died, five injured horribly, 2 in a comatose state, and 3 wizards who weren't aurors but had been caught in the crossfire and resulted in them being collateral damage. I could already hear the ministry chewing my ear off on what had happened- Potter?

Why in the bloody hell is Potter here? I open his file immediately when I caught sight of the small name written on the top corner of the folder. He was one of the ones that nearly died, therefore he was in the ICU. Rowena, he looks absolutely beat up. His auror I.D picture was placed side by side with his picture now, where he had multiple bruises on his face and body.

Another knock pulled me away from my head, and the familiar head of the nurse peeped in "It's time for your rounds"

"I'll be there" I nod, taking all of the patients' files in my hand. According to the orders of the ministry, they were all VIPs so I couldn't just hand them off to some other healer. This is probably one of the only times that I hated the guts of the ministry.

Brushing away any wrinkled that I had on my dress, I fix my hair into its high pony tail as well before making my way out the office. Immediately, I see the reporters that were outside the hospital. They wanted to get the inside scoop on the disaster with the French catacombs.

"They've been there all morning. Nosy bloody people they are - Sorry. Coffee?" Inset offered when she had seen my odd look on her

"Thank you" I don't deny the coffee - Not when I'd be needing it. Bidding her a goodbye, I place my palm against the flat screen of the ICU and watch as it identified my fingerprint - It's amazing how advanced the muggles have become these days. I raise my wand and flicker a slight bit of my magic on it as it identifies my wizarding DNA as well.

The hospital had taken onto necessary precautions and regulations when someone from the press had managed to slip past security and cause a ruckus on the bedside of the one of Wizarding Britain's top celebrities.

I wave at the nurse on station and she leads me to where each of the patients where. They looked even worse up close and I had made it a point to check on Potter last. Given the certain history we had, I couldn't have him disrupting the professional mentality I had built up until this moment.

Making notes on each of the patients, I also find that their families have been notified of their condition, but sadly, weren't permitted for visitations yet. It's a little too early in their days and the slightest thing could set of a counter curse in the middle of the hospital. We just couldn't risk it

"And here's Potter" Nurse Jeffords spoke as she pulled the door open to his room. Thanking her, she left me and went back to her station.

"What happened to you, Potter" I mutter, letting my eyes go over his besten form. His eyes were closed meaning that he was asleep from the last sedative that had been given to him an hour ago. Raising his hospital gown gently, I take note of the purple bruising that rose from his ribs under the multiple bandages placed around his torso. Whatever had hit them really did a number.

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