In A Dream (Blaise Zabini)

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I settled for the night and got ready for bed. Helga, this day has just been awful. Professor Snape was known to have preferred Slytherin of all houses and hated Gryffindor more so than the others, but he seemed to have a knack for embarrassing and making things difficult for Hufflepuffs.

Whilst in class, he had asked me a potion that we had yet to discuss, so I obviously didn't know much about it, but he man really went out of his way to make sure I got laughed at in class.

Helga, I can't wait to go off into my dream realm and meet the boy again. There's this thing that has been in my family for ages; every firstborn would have the ability to travel in their dreams. I yawned and move around, getting myself to a comfortable position before fully drifting off to sleep.

I open my eyes to the familiar white glowing hallway filled with different colored and kinds of doors for each person. I walk past the other doors and search for the green and black, intricately designed doors.

A few more steps further into the hall and I found it. I smiled, reaching for the doorknob and twisting it; I  go through the door without hesitation.

"You're back" the familiar voice of this person's dream spoke.

"I am" I took a seat on one of the couches in what looked to be his house; in his dream, that is.

"You seem tired" He spoke as he took a seat across from me

"I am..." I groan at the thought of my encounter in Potions today "My teacher in Potions embarrassed me today. Asked me a question about a lesson we haven't discussed yet"

"Who's the teacher?"

"Snape. Professor Severus Snape, but we call him the dungeon bat" I giggle at the thought. Something seemed to have crossed his face 'cause he grew silent and although his face wasn't clear, it was as clear as daylight that he was thinking of something

"What's wrong?" I asked, leaning forward. He shook his head

"Nothing. Just remembered something. Tell me about this experience of yours" He ushered. I narrowed my eyes the lad

"You seem to be interested in the topic" I raise an eyebrow "Any reason why?"

He shrugged his shoulders "Talking about the problem helps take some burden off of your shoulders"

"Good point" I stray away from the thought that he might be from my class; whether or not we were in class didn't matter as much since I probably won't even recognize him. Although, he would have already recognized me if I was from the class.

Another thing about this 'ability'. It's a dream so you can't recognize the person you open the door to the dream too. You can only recognize the dream by the door. Anyways, I can't see his face clearly, but he'll be able to see mine. Not fully since it's a dream, but enough. I know this 'cause I tested it out on one of my dorm mates that I trust.

"The dungeon bat hates Gryffindor but seems to dislike Hufflepuff more than Ravenclaw and it's really unfair! He's also biased to the Slytherins! I try my best to ace his class, but Helga, the man makes it impossible! How Granger does it is beyond me"

He snickers at my suffering before standing up and walking to a table filled with parchment

"Is my suffering, amusing for you?" I glared at the man who continued to laugh. I stood up from the seat and started bouncing on my toes "So-"

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