A New Beginning (Pt. 3)

Start from the beginning

Then I got the most awesome idea ever.

It was so stupid that it was Leo-worthy.

I tossed a drachma into the rainbow I created, calling for Poseidon.

"Hey, um... your majesty?" I stammered.

Poseidon, with his usual fishing outfit, turned to me, "Hmm?"

"It's me, Nico di Angelo? Do you remember me? That war in Manhattan and-"

"Ah yes, my daughter's boyfriend. That nice Hades kid she told me about," he smiled, "What can I do for you?"

I blushed, thinking about Y/N talking about me to her dad, "Um, yea... so... she got amnesia..."

"EXCUSE ME, WHAT?!" he yelled, making the sea rumble slightly.

"Um..." I'm really nervous now, "So, a manticore poisoned her, and now she doesn't remember anything. I mean- I guess Y/N and I got back together, but..."

"You want her memories back," Poseidon said, "Yes, it's a bit sad that you have to start over."

I nodded.

"Very well, meet me at the camp's borders in 2 minutes," he said, closing the Iris-message.

"Wait!" I yelled, "Two minutes? How will you-"

Then he hung up.

"Huh," I said, "'kay then."

I'm now convinced that my future father-in-law is off his rocker.


Poseidon changed his appearance to look like an old, strong, surfer dude. Not much of an update but I guess that will do.

"MOVE!" he yelled at the nearby campers, I trailed behind him.

He burst open the Hermes cabin's door. Awkward.

"Where's Y/N?" he asked.

The Stoll brothers looked at each other and raised an eyebrow.

"Um, in the infirmary?" Connor replied, "I think she passed out again. Got into a fight with a manticore and-"

"WHAT," I yelled, "When? How? Where??"

"Manticore. Yesterday. Camp's border." Connor answered.

"Oh my gods..." I muttered, running toward the infirmary and leaving Poseidon standing there.

I hammered my fists on the door, "OPEN UP!"

Will opened the door, "Ah- uh, so... you probably don't want to-"

I pushed him aside and marched up to Y/N's bed, taking her hand in mine.

"Is she okay?" I asked.

"Yea, she's fine," Will said, rubbing his bruised head, "Her arm's a bit banged up, but just fine."

Poseidon entered the room, "Hello, son of Apollo."

"Um, hi?" he said, confusion all over his face, "Do I know you?"

"I'm Y/N's father, Poseidon." he said, walking towards Y/N and ignoring Will's sudden stammers.

"Wake up," he said, his eyes glowing, "Y/N... I give you my blessing."

Y/N's eyes flew open as she sat up in bed, making me yell a bit in shock.

"Y/N!" I said, wrapping my arms around her, "Please, please, please still remember me- I promise, it's me-"

Y/N suddenly grabbed my face and kissed me.

It took me less than a sudden to sink at her touch, kissing her back.

I sort of forgot that her dad was watching this too.

When we broke apart, Y/N smiled at me.

"Well, someone has some explaining to do," she said, "Something about amnesia and a boyfriend who asked me twice to be his girlfriend?"

My eyes widened, "Your memory! It's-" I looked at Poseidon, "Thank you so much!"

Poseidon raised an eyebrow, "I didn't do anything, Nico. Perhaps Y/N could explain it to you... later."

Poseidon gave Y/N a hug, "Goodbye, my daughter." he smiled.

Poseidon leaned in to Y/N's ear and whispered, quite audibly, "This son of Hades... he's a real keeper."

Y/N and I blushed profusely as Poseidon faded away in a whirlwind of bubbles.

"I... I'll leave you two then," Will laughed nervously, closing the door behind him.

When Will left, I looked at Y/N. She was still giving me that exasperated, sassy grin.

"You remembered..." I whispered in awe, cupping Y/N's face in my hands and sat on her bed.

"Yea," she said, kissing my nose, making me blush like crazy.

"You know, I try." Y/N said modestly.

I laughed, "Gods, I love you," and pulled her in for another kiss.

It feels awesome to have my Y/N back.

Okay, this may be one of my favorites so far.

Oh, and in case you don't know, amnesia can sometimes be healed when you experience another accident and may return your memory.

I think.

But in this case, Y/N needed to get poisoned again, since the only thing that would stop manticore poison is the manticore poison itself.

Makes sense?


Always You - Nico di Angelo x Reader (Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now