Chapter 1

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Mike groaned as the morning sun shined through his window. He sat up lazily and rubbed his tired eyes. "Great. Another wonderful day." He mumbled to himself. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." Mike said. A maid entered with food on a tray. "Sorry your Highness I didn't want to intrude, but I brought you breakfast in bed." She said with a soft smile.

"Thank you Elizabeth." He said quietly. The maid set his food on a small bed table. "Let me know if you need anything else." She said as she left. Mike really didn't want to eat in the dinning room. So he was glad the maid brought his food up to his room. He looked down at pancakes and orange juice. He grabbed the syrup and slowly poured on his pancakes and started to eat.

Holly came rushing in his room and jumped on his bed. "Holly! Be careful!" Mike scowled her. "Sorry Mike." She apologized. Mike sighed. "Do you need anything?" He asked. "I want to go into to town today!" Holly squealed. "Why me?" He asked. "Because mom and dad said no and Nancy is out with her friends!" Holly said. "Alright fine. Just let me get ready." Mike said. Holly jumped up and rushed out the door. Mike has always had a soft spot for his little sister. I mean who wouldn't? He would protect her at all costs.

He slowly got up and made his way to his closest. He didn't want to wear anything to fancy today. He didn't want to look spoiled. He decided on a white button up and some jeans. He didn't want to wear his crown but his mom said he has to. He knew better then to disrespect her.

"Hey Holly. You ready to go?" Mike asked seeing Holly by the door. "Yep!" She said grabbing Mikes hand and rushing out. There was waiting his chariot. He opened the door for Holly. He then got in and told the men to go. "So why do you want to travel into town so badly?" Mike asked. "I saw this toy that I wanted!" Holly said getting excited. "What toy?" asked smiling at his sisters excitement. "It was this beautiful doll. She's a princess. Just like me!" She explained. Mike just nodded and smiled.

They soon arrived and everyone started to bow as they passed by. He really hated the royal life. His parents just say 'Be thankful for what you got and being one of those low life peasants.' He parents aren't the friendliest people. They are however in public. They want to keep their royal reputation. Holly squealed and started shaking Mike. "Over there!" Holly said pointing to a shop. They got out and Holly practically ran to the shop. Just as Mike was about to head over some thing him.

He looked down and saw a small boy. He had a bowl cut and had brown eyes. He looked to be about the same age as Mike. He looked up at Mike with scared eyes. He got up fast. "I'm so sorry your Highness! I wasn't looking where I was going!" He said fast and started bowing. "Hey, it's ok." Mike tried to say. "No it's not your Highness! Please don't hurt me!" He said with big eyes. Mike was confused. He in the world would be hurt him? It was just an accident.

"Hurt you?" He said. "Why would I ever hurt you?" "Because I wasn't looking where I was going." He said.

A voice yelled behind him. "Stop! Thief!" He yelled. The boy then turned his attention Mike to Mike. Then held his head to in shame. Mike put his hand on the boys shoulder. "Hey." He said making the boy look up. "Go ahead. I'll stop him." Mike said. He was very confused on why the prince was helping him. Then he looked down and ran. Mike could have swore he saw him smile. "Hey." The man said coming up to Mike. "Didn't you see your Highness. That brat stole from me!" He yelled. Mike got pissed. "First of all do not raise your voice at me. Second of just let him go he didn't take much." Mike said. "But your highness." He said. Mike sighed annoyed. "How much?" He asked.

The man tilted his head in confusion. "What are you? Deaf? How much was it?" Mike asked raising his voice a little. "20." The man said. Mike handed him a 20 and told the man to get lost.

"Mike!" Holly said running up to Mike. "Hey. Did you get it?" He asked. "Yep! The lady said I could have it for free since I'm a princess." She said giggling. "Did you thank her?" He asked. Holly nodded. "Okay." Mike said getting in the chariot. Then they went back to the castle. When they stepped inside there was a maid waiting for him. Holly already ran away. "Your father wishes to speak with you." She said. Mike internally groaned. He made his way to the throne room and saw his father waited for him.

"Yes father." Mike said. "Mike. We need to have a chat." He said. "About what? Mike said raising and eyebrow. "Your 18th birthday. He said. "Oh right." Mike mumbled. "I know. This is going to be a lot of pressure. But you are going to be crowded king. That's a big deal. Which also means that you will need to pick a queen." Ted explained.

"What! But I'm not looking for love right now." Mike said. "I know. But you need to have a queen. How about that Jane girl?" He asked. "Dad we agreed that we weren't a good fit. We'll still good friends though. "Mike said. "Alright. I'll let you sleep on it. If you need any help I'll set you up." Ted said.

Mike just groaned and walked away. Honestly he didn't know why he had to be the next ruler. He sister Nancy is the oldest. But Karen said that he needed to be. Maybe it has something to do with him being male. But that's stupid. Mike entered the room and flopped on his bed. He started thinking about that boy.

By how angry that man was that might have not been the first time he stole. He didn't know why he helped him. Maybe it's because of how scared the boy looked. Maybe Mike felt sorry for him. Maybe he had a good reason to steal. That doesn't make it right however. He didn't know why he thought he would hurt him just because he ran into him. He was kinda cute though. Whatever. Doesn't matter. It's not like he would ever see him again...


Words: 1127

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