Meeting other people

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Venti decided to introduce you to dvalin. He wanted to go visit his dear friend anyway so why not bring you along.

Dvalin was—
Concerned, to say the least.
Happy that his old friend had stopped his drinking habits temporarily to take care of his flesh and blood, but worried for the child due to their father being childish and stubborn at times-

He was glad to meet you tho. It turned out good.


Diluc has to go out on a business trip so he let jean babysit you while he was gone.

You really liked jean, she was nice, gentle, and kind. But she didn't play with you a lot.
But, you know who did? The Calvary captain himself, kaeya.

He LOVED you. He thought you were the cutest and precious thing. He was also excited to tease Diluc about it when he returned.

Diluc was not happy.


He took to you to the adeptai training thing to help ganyu since Verr was busy.

You were obsessed with ganyu. You constantly clung to her.
Xiao was jealous and tried not to show it. Ganyu was nice, she liked you, but she dosent know how to handle kids-

She was worried on how to hold you, what to do with you, etc.

You cried when it was time to go home. You wanted the coco goat :(


Childe came over to babysit onetime because zhongli didn't trust you around hu tao.
You weren't much of an energetic kid, so when this playful ginger guy showed up you were confused.

You liked the attention but he was overly affectionate.

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