174. What Do We Do?

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"Mom, I couldn't have told you about my speculations without tangible proof. By law, you know that that information was not credible. Everyone would have laughed at me if I presented that idea for it would have been deemed slanderous "

"Did it not come to pass? It could have been prevented!"


"Do not mother me! You made an error in judgement! I should have been the first person you sought advice from of your hypothesis and not your fated!"

"Nelnel didn't advice me at all. I merely shared my speculations with him and that was it. In fact, it was through his help that we deduced the true nature of Mora's father's lover."

"He made a fool of me! These many months, he acted like a dimwit..." Banging her fist onto her desk, Elric's mother swore under her breath.

"Mom keep it down. We have guests!"

"My anger should be the least of your worries! That man escaped! Elric! He is a wanted criminal!"

"There's nowhere for them to hide...!"

"Get out of my sight. I can't talk to you right now."

"Mom you would have done the same thing if you were in my shoes! Speculation without conclusive evidence discredits my reputation as a lawyer which will extend to the image of the firm! I couldn't do it mother, I had to wait until they made a mistake. I believed they wouldn't have managed to pull off such a stunt in the first place..."

"But they did! They did Elric and now every dog that thinks they know the law is barking at my doorstep! I can barely go to my office right now because of you!"

"That guy would have been branded the hero mom come on! The image they both have as fugitives makes them targets. Okay, fine, they escaped to who knows where but they won't have peace wherever they go. Someone is bound to spot them! They can't leave the country either."

"He escaped maximum security you fool! I warned you against becoming complaisant just because everyone is applauding you for your skills in the practice of law!"

"I wasn't being complaisant mom, I was being careful! We are involved in this case personally whether we like it or not! Hajin, the son of the accused, the only free person from that family is living with one of our clients mom and your business partners! You invested in their fitness facility did you not? Think about Mora and how she tricked us all, handing to us evidence that would later jeopardize the credibility and reputation of our firm! We are lucky her father hasn't sued us for anything so far, which explains why he has been quiet all this time!"

"He threatened my family!"

"We can't live in fear mom otherwise we loose our rationality..."

"I am not afraid. I am frightened beyond your imagination. The horrors...the things I've heard that man do to his enemies... He will came after you to get to me! You are my only child son, my flesh and blood... If anything were to happen to you..."

"Nothing will happen to me mom or any of us. That man seeks freedom from everything, and companionship. It may be another speculation but it could also be true just as his planning an escape was. If I'd mentioned that idea in court..."

"You would have been viewed prospective accomplice. "

"Exactly. We are already involved too much into their private family matters which is too late to get out from. If we get further involved, or accused of being suggestive in the defendant's favor..."

"Enough." Elric's mother raised her palm interrupting her son from speaking further. "I've heard enough. How we choose to rise up from this is what's important. What is your hypothesis on the matter?"

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