157. What Do You Know?

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"Your honor, may it please the court that the client represented today has pleaded not guilty to the crimes..."

"Why are you here? I specifically told your husband to keep his eyes on you."

"You don't have to whisper mom no one can hear you all the way back here."

"Regardless, we have to be careful. This is as good as an open and shut case and not many people are happy about that. Soon enough, there will be a stream of reporters waiting to pounce on anyone that comes out like yourself."

"Our presence today has to be acknowledged mom. You are an integral part of this case and our firm's image is on the line. Anyway the accused is not exactly someone having a model record. I'd thought his case wouldn't reach the court from the beginning. It's probable he may face life without possibility of parole."

Elric's mother sighed. She appeared rather disinterested in her son's speculations. "Sorry I've been quite held up the last couple of days as this case winds up though I'm not disappointed at all with the proceedings. Perhaps things might go in our favor today."

"I hope they do. You've hardly spent time with Luca and Lusha."

"With the courts permission, kindly allow me at most three minutes of your rebuttal for this case has gone far too long and it's time we came to a conclusion."

"Yea. I hope to never have to see that man again." Glancing at a familiar figure, Elric's mother added. "His pair hasn't missed a single hearing of his husband's and also finds time to pacify his son who wants nothing to do with him."

"Maybe they really do love each other mom. It's twisted yes, but it's theirs."

"I wouldn't call playing ignorant to his husband's crimes love. Even so, I find it unsettling that he isn't worried of his partner snapping his neck in his sleep someday. Doesnt he know the monster he's married to?"

Elric chuckled, covering his mouth to prevent laughter from escaping him. "Mom, he might be into that kind of kinky stuff, a little torture to the death from time to time..."

"Son, if that were the case, then the accused wouldn't be doing everything to save him. From the number of times I've had a face to face encounter with them them, it always feels like Mora's father is the one who can't live without his so called moral compass. That is why I didn't hold his husband accountable for being an accomplice, lest that man retaliates and take vengeance on my family."

"At this point, even in his current status, do you think he can pull off something like that? I've been following the case whenever I find time and it seems he's lost more than three quarters of the power he initially possessed. His businesses have collapsed and his immediate family do not wish to speak in his favour neither do they want to participate in the case."

"Son, after yearning all this years to have another girl in the family, I wouldn't just stay vigilant. I've build up walls and had my eyes almost everywhere to make sure no harm befalls those I care for. It's exhausting." Looking back at his son, Elric's mother added. "Never ever get comfortable with such an opponent. There is always something up their sleeve."

"With respect to the numerous evidences brought forward and the witnesses testimonies, it is evident every alleged crime commited have been a violation of the international human rights laws, which brings me to my second and third point. The accused is obviously a psychopath as diagnosed by the assigned courts doctors your honor. Not even my learned friend can oppose that. Being born a psychopath is no fault of his own. He is a victim of circumstance however, murder, money laundering, illegal posession of drugs, bribery, manipulation of stock prices, attempted murder, kidnapping, the list goes beyond your ears to mention all in a day your honor. A crime begets punishment. It's the reason for order.

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