114. Eyes On You

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"Finally you're back. I was thinking you two had disappeared from the face of the earth."

"Can't say I'm glad to return. I wasn't thinking I'd enjoy a stay away from everyone this much. It felt like a break I thought I never needed Yeon."

"How are Niel's grandparents? Did they give you anything for me?"

"Wild fruits and some veggies. I highly doubt they'll make it to you since Niel is in the kitchen cooking something up."

"Nice to know you two are gettign along."

"Even he couldn't resist my charm." Elric chuckled. "Anyway, you're the second person I've called since I got back yesterday. Is Stan with you?"

"No. I'm in bored in my room upstairs. My body is sore I can't move much. I seriously need to start working out. The irony that my parents are professional fitness instructors while my sister and I hate working out is ridiculous."

"Are you ill again?" There was a tinge of concern from Elric's voice.

"You should worry about Stan, I'm about to murder him..." Yeon heard Elric laugh from the other end of the phone. He'd put him on loudspeaker while he lay flat on his bed, his gaze at the ceiling. "Anyway, Stan and I had much to drink yesterday. Can you believe I passed out before he did?"

"That's impossible... Unless we are talking about a different Stan here."

"Nope. One and the same. Afterwards, I did unthinkable things to him, the kind that you'd rejoice over." Covering his eyes in embarrassment, Yeon added, "I can't even recall how I got to bed."

"So you're the type that becomes horny when drunk?" Elric laughed. "I've met your type hundreds of times...quite interesting to discover this side of you..."


Elric laughed even louder. "You and I are currently sailing the same boat. Except mine was an attack in the middle of the night. Hungry zaddy had decended on my lips so fiercely, pulling me tightly towards him. It was quite dark that it took me time to know it was him. I kicked and punched at his chest before I began to perceive his scent since he'd gone into heat."

"He did?" Yeon seemed surprised.

"Yea. His scent was overpowering. He whispered a lot of sweet nothings to me that I had to tell him I don't remember much about what happened when he was in his heat. In fact, that was why I called you."

"I don't wish to know your escapades with your fated. You've already shared more than I need to know."

"Don't dismiss me just yet. I needed to know how you feel about Stan now. The last time I asked, you said you neither knew if you like him for sex or just like him for him."

"If this has to do with you and Niel please do not get me involved."

"I'll make it worth your while."

"Like how you bribed me last time?"

"And look how things turned out. I ended up meeting my fated mate right? The bribe worked well too, just in time before the fire. I'm sure your dad still loves his gift to date."

Sighing aloud, Yeon gave up. "What do you want Elric?"

"I just want to know how you feel for Stan presently."

"He already marked me, what do you think?"

"...But your case is different. Stan loved you before marking you. One would think you marked him first since he became obsessed with you after the incident and we almost lost a game because of him. I've never seen him that distracted before...and he's been distracted with you ever since."

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