Special Chapter 02// The Grandfathers

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Year 2031
Seoul, South Korea
Seoul National Cemetery

Holding onto a single White Rose, Seokhoon wore a pair of sunglasses as he carried his youngest son SeoYoon towards a grassy and rocky path.

Rona had taken the other kids to her father's house for a day with their grandfather. It was also an opportunity and time for Rona to spend more time with Yoonchul since they had rarely met with each other considering their hectic schedules.

'Isn't it cold Yoon ah? Don't worry... Appa will make it quick. Once we finish up our visit here, we can go and meet up with your siblings and eomma.'

As he huffed and puffed, Seokhoon sighs as he reaches the location. Setting his toddler son down, Joo Seokhoon sits on the grass and takes SeoYoon into his lap.

Reaching forward, the pianist brushes the fallen leaves off the black marble tombstone and placed the Rose on top of it.

'Abbeoji..... It's me, Seokhoon.'

Yes!!! You've heard right.... Joo Seokhoon came to visit his father. Now to quickly recap, Joo Dantae had died years ago.... Committing suicide while he awaited his trial inside his cell.

One must wonder... Why Seokhoon even came to visit his 'evil' father. But we must also remember....

Whether he likes it or not....nothing will ever change the fact that in this life Joo Dantae is his father. Even if he were to tear this universe apart... That would never change.

Joo Seokhoon had decided to forgive his father years ago. He realized that forgiveness was very important, and whether his father felt remorse or repentant during the last few hours of his life years ago... also didn't matter anymore.

What matters for Seokhoon was that he never repeat the same mistake his father had committed.

And that he hold no anger in him.

'Yoon ah... Meet your hallabeoji (grandpa). He may never be the best role model but.... I still want you to meet him and know him.'

Patting his son's back and pointing at his father's tomb, Seokhoon could only smile gently as his son looked up at him and smiled so wide.

'Don't forget this Yoon ah.... Those bad days that we had went through made us all stronger. Adversity is good.... It'll make you better and make you stronger....never ever avoid it.'

His son only burped and giggled, never understanding whatever his father had said to him.

Booping his son's nose, Seokhoon turns his attention back to his father's portrait.

'Abbeoji, you must already know this little one but... I still wanted you to meet your grandchildren. This is Joo SeoYoon, his mine and Rona's youngest son. You already have so many grandchildren here. Seokkyung might have more in the future and---'

And his conversation with his father continued on.

You could really sense the maturity in Seokhoon. The way he no longer dwelled in the past and completely healed from all the trauma mostly caused by his father.

He was evidently at peace and truly happy.

As Seokhoon said goodbye to his father, he gently urged his son to wave goodbye at his father's tomb.

'Yoon ah, say goodbye to grandpa...'

And just like that, Joo SeoYoon waved adorably with his tiny hands and adorable doll eyes.

Seokhoon chuckled as he took one last galnce at his father's grave and walked away with his son in his arms.

Seoul, South Korea
Ha Family Estate

After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Where stories live. Discover now