14//A Sisterly Bond

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Year 2022
New York, USA
Julliard Academy || Shim Towers

As students flock the entrance of the school to exit. Seojun, Mina and Minho were approached by a man in full formal attire. He introduced himself as 'the chauffer master sent to pick them up'

Following the man to a black land rover. The 3 individuals looked at each other and shrugged entering the car.

As they travel, they start to wonder much more about Seokhoon. No sooner, the vehicle comes to a stop and before them was a humongous and sparkling tower.

'Welcome to Shim Towers, please wait in the lobby as we inform the young master of your arrival.'

The 3 friends start to look around the huge and luxurious lobby. It was shimmering with candelabras on marble tops and above the neoclassical high ceilings were beautiful and golden chandeliers.

A woman soon approaches them and bows.

'Please follow me, I shall guide you to the penthouse.'

Minho gasps and simply asks in shock

'The penthouse? Joo Seokhoon lives in the penthouse?'

The woman nods and urges the 3 to follow her as she starts to explain.

'Yes, the young master and young miss live in the penthouse. His family are the owners of the Shim Towers'

At that simple explanation, the 3 had their jaws aghast and probably dropped to the marble floors. They simply knew that Seokhoon was rich, but in no way did they think that he was the owner of one of the most luxurious buildings in the block.

The woman leads them to the private elevator and closes the golden doors. As they start the travel to the highest floor.

'But you mentioned, a young miss? Does Joo Seokhoon have a sister living here?'

The woman politely smiles and answers in her small voice.

'The young master does have a sister however she lives in South Korea, the young miss I mentioned is Ms. Bae Rona. Who is the young master's girlfriend. I've heard they've known each other since they were 16.'

Mina's eyes widen and she huffs in annoyance. Thinking she was meeting Seokhoon at his home alone with no other females, she was now dejected with the revelation of Rona' s presence in the penthouse.

A ding sound signals their arrival, and as the gold doors open. A middle aged man, the butler greets the visitors and leads them to sit on the wide living room.

Behold , a luxurious modern penthouse with glass windows and high ceilings. A beautiful fountain on the wall leading up to the grand modern marble stairs welcomes their sight. But to make it feel like home, pictures and small mementos of friends and family.

A giant portrait of the golden Hera goddess is hanged up on the huge blank wall. Beautiful portraits of Suryeon, Seokkyung and Seokhoon plus of Rona's family and the their friends are also visible in picture frames near the sofa. But, of course the walls and tables also had different pictures of Rona and Seokhoon all from their time in CheongHa and from their youths until the present.

 But, of course the walls and tables also had different pictures of Rona and Seokhoon all from their time in CheongHa and from their youths until the present

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After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Where stories live. Discover now