40// Future

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Year 2023
New York, USA
Julliard Academy

'It's been such a long time since we last saw the both of you. Don't you guys have something to tell us?'

Seojun and Minho follow the couple as they enter campus. It was a chilly morning and their first day back to school since Christmas break.

With his annoyed voice, Seokhoon holds onto Rona' s hand and continue to walk while the 2 males follow them from behind.

'What do we need to tell you? If it's something useless again just leave us alone.'

Minho suddenly stops in front of the 2, making them come to a abrupt stop.

'This is what we're talking about.'

Minho shows them his phone and there it was, a Twitter post from the campus account. Congratulating the couple for their engagement.

Rona's eyes widen and she looks at Seokhoon with a confused gaze

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Rona's eyes widen and she looks at Seokhoon with a confused gaze.

'How did they get the news ?'

'Isn't it obvious? Your both famous in the world of the rich and famous. Word travels fast in this era of social media.... Plus your both popular in campus.'

Mina appears from behind as she comments gazing at the couple.

'Congrats... By the way, make sure to invite me to your wedding.'

With that little remark, Mina dashes off to the hall leaving the 2 males with a bewildered Seokhoon and Rona.

'It's fine.... Don't mind the gossips and just enjoy class today. I'll see you after class.'

With a little peck on her forehead, Seokhoon watches Rona enter her lecture room before going to his class.

The day goes by quickly and soon enough, they were finally at home.

Year 2023
New York, USA
Penthouse, Shim Towers

' Eomma and Logan's wedding will take place in 3 months. I have already asked the dean for us to be excused for a few days.'

Rona nods in reply as she flips through the channels on the tv, while Seokhoon who had his arms around her admires her concentrated face.

' Rona yah.... Speaking of weddings, shouldn't we start talking about ours? '

Finally getting her attention, Rona swiftly turns the tv off and returns her fiancée's embrace.

'You've got my attention, What is it about our wedding that you want to talk about?'

Seokhoon smiles and lays down on the fluffy pillows.

'I know we're graduating this year... I'm thinking maybe we can get married after our graduation?'

After Hera // Joo Seokhoon × Bae Rona AU 🌃✨💫Where stories live. Discover now