16: Mericup / Hiccunzle ?

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“Cynnete Steii, Cynette Steii, Cynette Steii” Alice kept on playing it over and over again. I know she could figure it out. She told me, she’s a linguist so that would not be a problem at all.


I resisited my dress from being blown away as the flapping of wings of Teethless came. “No, dammit! Not the furnitures!”


“I said, don’t move too much or you’ll break all the plates, you big-!”


Drake sighed, stopping the dragon from moving so much. It was just an adorable, clueless, and sorry dragon for his actions. He doesn’t mean anything of this mess and it’s just sweet of him with those adorable huge eyes of his. “It’s not Teethless’ fault, Drakie, he’s just a Dragon.”

“It’s Toothless. And he’s just too huge.” Hiccup explained, chuckling beside me. We’re now here at the mansion where we also consider as our new home. It’s a huge house.

The floor is tiled white, the walls were painted white too with black floral designs at the bottom. We’re here at the living room where there’s a grand chandelair hanging up the ceiling, two shiny black staircases leading to two different parts. The first part is where our bedrooms are located, and the second part is where the smichles sleep.

I asked Drake once if I could paint the walls of me and Merida’s room but he grumpily said no. But it’s fine, I guess. He said, there’s a library here and a kitchen where I can bake my pies which I’d let everyone taste! Caramel with peanuts pie is my specialty!


Green smoke appeared, frightening me and it soon vanished revealing a small-- lizard. “What did you do to Toothless?!” Hiccup growled, standing up. I patted his unexpectedly hard and muscular back to calm him down.

“Whoa, chill dude. He’s really a salamander when he got here in our world. Dragons doesn’t exist you know? But use this potion, my uncle made.”

He tossed the bottle and Hiccup catched it. Pascal climbed from my arm towards my shoulder and stared at the salamander who crawled towards Hiccup’s hand. He made noises as if he was fighting with his but I stopped the stubborn chameleon.

“No, no.” I said in a chuckle. “Be friends.” Pascal raised his head high and hid behind my hair.

 I grinned sheepishly at the brunette infront of me as I played with my hands, my shoulders rising up in awkwardness. “I’m sorry about him, Hiccup. He’s a little stubborn.” Hiccup just stared at me, his hazel eyes capturing my green ones. “W-what’s wrong? Does my face look a little rough in the real world, or-“

“Nah,” He chuckled as he untied his shoelace. “You look beautiful.” He uttered, not breaking his glance at his shoe. I felt my cheeks heat so I touched it with my hand. Pascal came out, squinting his eyes at me and I just looked at him like a confused puppy.

“What?” I mouthed and he just rolled his eyes as he extended his arm towards hiccup like saying: Say something. I tensed and shruggd at him, not knowing what to say when Hiccup break the silence, scaring me a little. “So,”

“Hm?” I forced a wide smile, pushing Pascal in my hair. I noticed how uneasy he was as he scooted nearer me. “Healer, huh?” He began the conversation.

“Oh, um-yeah. My hair glows that heals wounds when I sing.” I awkwardly said, fidging with my strands. “But, hush! Please keep it a secret.”

The Big Five in the Real WorldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora