The Beginning

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"Levi, stop it! You're drunk." I try to push past him as he grabs my elbow, yanking me back into him. He roughly drags me through the corridors of Dauntless to a dark, secluded place I'd never been before.

The more I struggle the tighter his grip closes around my arm. Finally he stops and fixes me with a stare that chills me to my core. "I tried nicely getting you to leave with with me all evening. I'm done being nice."

He shoves my back against the cold rock wall, one hand reaching up to cup my face as he forces sloppy, wet kisses to my lips. "Please, Levi. I told you I don't think of you that way. C'mon, knock it off!" I turn my head to the side, trying to avoid his mouth. It only seems to deepen his anger.

"You bitch!" He seethes, reaching for my neck with rough hands. Levi brings my head forward and then slams it back into the rock behind me. My vision blurs as he starts to force me to the ground.

Realization of what he's about to do kicks in and I begin to struggle underneath his hold. I get out a few good screams before his grip on my neck becomes too much and I can't breathe.

I scratch at his arms as he looks down at me with aggression in his eyes. "Now stop fighting or I'll throw your body off the chasm when I'm done." With that, he slams my head on to the concrete floor and darkness consumes me.

I jolt awake. My alarm beeping from my nightstand. I'm covered in a layer of sweat as I try to shake the horrors of that night away. I can still feel his hot breath on my face and remember the smell of the sour alcohol as I climb out of bed.

Hoping to wash away the memories, I jump into the shower. I rinse off my entire body, pausing at my swollen stomach. I'm almost five months pregnant and there's no hiding it anymore.

I get out of the shower and head to my closet looking through the limited options I have these days. I decide on a pair of black skinny jeans that luckily still fit and a maroon tank top.

Walking into the kitchen I see a couple of blueberry muffins and a note on the table from my mom. 'Ophelia, I had to head in to work early today. Sorry I missed breakfast. Have a good day. I love you, Mom.' I scan the note quickly before checking the time above the stove. I'll miss the train if I don't hurry. So, I throw on my combat boots, snag the muffins off the table, and run out the door.

I make it to the tracks with moments to spare. Running as fast as possible in my condition, I still manage to jump on the train relatively easy. "Jesus, Ophelia! You seriously shouldn't be doing that anymore!"

"How else am I supposed to get to school, Arri?" I roll my eyes at my best friend, tossing my wind blown hair into a messy ponytail at the top of my head.

She shakes her head and gives me a hard look. "Your mother's a leader, I'm sure she could arrange something."

"I've told you, I don't want any special treatment. I want my life to stay exactly the same." As we approach the school I prepare myself for the jump, trying my best to ignore the disapproving glare from Arri.

"Well let me know how that works out for you." Her voice drips with sarcasm as I launch myself from the moving train.

When we enter the classroom we split up to take our seats. I head to the back of the room to sit beside the smirking boy in blue. "Lose the look, Eric." I sink into the chair next to him.

"There's no look." He shoves my shoulder playfully but his smile disappears as two Candors approach us.

"Wow, Ophelia. You're looking really pregnant." The girl snickers as she blatantly stares at my belly.

Crossing my arms, I stare at the two dressed in black and white. "You Candors and your honesty never get old do you?" I lean back in my seat, refusing to let their words get to me. "I've been pregnant for about five months now and will be for another four. This isn't news to anyone."

It's the boy's turn to speak now as he gives a fake smile. "If you focused a little more of your time on school instead of selling your body to guys, maybe then you'd be half as smart as the Nose you're sitting next to."

Eric jumps out of his seat, his chair clattering noisily to the floor behind him. "Beat it smart mouths and leave Ophelia alone."

"Aww how sweet, the tough Dauntless girl needs an Erudite to stick up for her. Not so brave now, are you?" The whole class is watching us.

Eric growls as he lunges for the boy's collar. I quickly stand as the door begins to open. "Eric, don't."

The teacher enters the room looking between the four of us. "What's going on here?"

"Nothing." We all mumble as the two Candors return to their desks and Eric and I sit down.

I can tell she doesn't believe us but heads to the front of the room to start the lesson anyway. I place my hand lightly on Eric's thigh, getting his attention. "You didn't need to do that. But thank you."

He places his much larger hand gently over mine. "Don't mention it, Phe. I'll do it again if need be."

I smile at the use of the nickname. "My dad used to call me Phe." He smiles back as he removes his hand from mine. I find myself instantly missing his touch.

Hypnotic (Eric x OC) divergent fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now