Small weddings never mean less stress, only more things in less amount of this case. I was exhausted yet again. Helping Izzy out was taking away from my time with Terri. And though I had been feeling sorry for Janet lately, her feeling so lonely, at least we were going to be together in a few weeks in a new city.

Terrence had made plans to drive up to Idaho after the wedding and pay a visit to his parents...with me. Now I can't tell you how nervous this made me. I had already met his parents at my mom's wedding but this time I wasn't sure how they liked the idea of us 'dating' being lawfully related or whatever. Like a good sport, Terri kept trying to convince me that they didn't care about that; apparently he had already shared the secret to them on that BIG day...big day for all of us!

It was almost 7pm, and we were finally driving through these new subdivisions. His parents had moved about a year ago into their dream home. And by the looks of it, when we pulled up to this gorgeous two story house barely on a cliff overlooking the city; I had to say it was quite the dream house. Warm lights peered through the many wide windows that decorated the home, along with the beautiful brown bricks from outside.

His folks were overly nice with me though...suspiciously nice. I was beginning to think they were plotting for another wedding or something. But that's just the way they were. It was funny how they acted like teenage lovers, more than Terri and I; who can blame them living in this woodsy paradise.

After eating an amazing home cooked meal, we gathered together a little while to chat in their living room while sipping on dessert wine; a first for me. It tasted just like juice so I couldn't refuse a second round; no one was driving anyway. I wasn't surprised when they took off to bed early, like older couples do. Now I could finally have some alone time with my sweetheart.

The house was designed with a guest room/house attached. But the entrance was outside or through the shared garage. We crept our way on through taking our bags, now relieved to talk in our normal voices without disturbing anyone else. I walked into what looked like a studio apartment. It had a small kitchen, den, full bathroom and one bedroom. The only other door, aside from the entrance, pertained to the bathroom; everything else was open.

I was expecting Mrs. Rogers to direct me to my own room but she never mentioned anything, unless she had given the task to Terri. In which case I was hoping I'd be sleeping next to him on this fluffy white bed. But I had already jinxed myself.

"So you ready to see your room?" Terri offered.

"What? I thought I was staying here with you?" I said with puppy eyes. It didn't work.

"My mom was so excited to prepare your room though." He smiled.

What gives!? Fine! I got up and tried to be the 'good sport' this time. I was slightly disappointed in Terri catering to his mother's wishes as opposed to his girlfriend's. Still I could understand...I guess. Reentering the house, back to our whisper tones, we walked towards the hall under the stairs that led to another bedroom. I have to give her credit it was like a white princess's dream room. White furniture, chandelier with adjustable lighting and the bedding had white fur which went along perfectly with the floor rug.

When I slid my hands over the bed I couldn't believe how heavenly the cool fur felt. I wanted to snuggle up against the flat surface, but not as much as I wanted to snuggle up against Terri's surface. He was pleased to see my happy face but it quickly faded when he said he had to leave to go to bed. He was going fishing with his dad bright and early which most likely meant at 5am. I bit my pouty lip and gave him a sad kiss goodbye.

It was only 10 o'clock; this was super early for a boring summer night. I had already changed into my scarlet nightgown, the one I hoped to model off, but I still wasn't sleepy. Growing slightly bored with the TV, I texted my boyfriend as I accustomed to do.

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