Their is always someone

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Hyunjin and Felix arrive to the castle

Hyunjin: Felix.. you said you would not let him do anything like that

Felix: I- I know I promise you I didn't do it on purpose I love you so much and I wouldn't want to hurt you like that

Hyunjin: ... I know and I believe you but..why exactly did he say those things and why did he do it..

Felix: some things that he said...might've been true not all of them .. I think I might know why he did it

Hyunjin: why?

Felix: Luna

Hyunjin: Felix don't blame this on Luna she didn't even do anything

Felix: Hyunjin look... she obviously wants to get back together with you and wants me to go away.. why do you think she invited Jaehyun? She also knew me and Jaehyun were going to that exact place and brought you there they had it all planned out plus she was smiling when she say me and you

Hyunjin: ...that does..make sense but I don't think-

Felix: Look pretend like we broke up and tell Luna and you'll see I'm telling the truth

Hyunjin: ..fine

Felix was about to walk away

Hyunjin: wait why are you leaving ?

Felix: she won't believe you if I'm here

𝗪𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗶𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗻𝗴

Han: Minhoo~~

Minho: yeah?

Han: one of my closest friend is coming over later

Minho: okay love

Han: don't get jealous or anything like that

Minho: why would I get jealous??

Han: nothing forget it but he'll be here later!

Minho: okay well when he gets here tell me so I can meet your friend!

Han: okay love

1 hour later

Hyunn: Hannie!!!

Hyunn runs towards Han and give him a BIG hug

Han: It's been so long!!

Hyunn: it has!! I missed you~~

Han: I knowww!! Hey I want you to meet my boyfriend!

Hyunn: Okay!

Han: darling!!!!

Minho: Yea my love?

Han: Come down stairs and meet my friend !

Minho: Okay !

Minho goes downstairs

Minho: Hi! What's your name?

Hyunn: Hii! My name is Hyunn how about yours?

Minho: My name is Minho! It's nice to meet you!

When I get motivation I will post a longer one I PROMISE!! ALSO PLEASE FOLLOW MY INSTA

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