Love me all night

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Minho: I am still not tired

Han: me too..hmm what should we do?

Minho: idk?

Han: watch a movie?

Minho: we already did so no

Han: uhhh then idk

Minho: should we go and hang out with Hyunlix for a little I think Mark is asleep by now

Han: sure

They then head to Hyunjins room

Hyunjin: Oh, hey guys! What are you doing here???

Minho: well me and hannie are bored and he is jealous of mark and me..ahah

Han give him a "death" stare

Minho: anyway, we just came here to see if you guys wanted to play a game???

Felix: sure! I'm kinda bored anyway ahaha

Hyunjin: so what game??

Han: wait! Actually let's just bring mark I feel bad on how..I acted jealous

Minho: Ahaha okay okay, we'll I can go get him

Han: sure

Minho goes and brings mark upstairs but instead of being in Hyunjins room they move into their upstairs living room

Minho: we're here

Mark: ahaha I guess we didn't want the fun to end

Hyunjin: I mean true we are all just bored

Felix: anyway what game should we play?!!

Hyunjin: ima go get a blanket cause it's cold!

Felix: okay luv

Minho: hmm  anyway

Minho: how about spin the bottle???

Mark: sounds fun!

Han: Huh!? Why? Do you wanna kiss someone *scoffs*

Minho: no spin the bottle but instead it's like you spin the bottle and who ever it lands on has to tell the truth or drink !!

Han: hmm..

Felix: sounds fun! Let's play

Hyunjin: okay I'm back!

Mark: okay ahah anyway, yeah but first we need THE drinks! Ahah

Minho: true, I'll go get on I'll be back

Han: okay!

Minho gets the drink and comes back to the room

Hyunjin: so what are we gonna do??

Minho: we are play spin the bottle but this time it's who ever it lands on has to tell the truth or drink!

Hyunjin: um well okay!!

Felix: I'll start!

The bottle spins And lands on Minho

Felix: okay Minho have you ever cheated on someone??

Minho: umm I am going to drink

Minho then takes a shot

Han: hm? You are gonna tell me this later!

Minho: Anyway I will now spin!

The bottle spins and it lands on Han

Minho: Hannie! Okay, when did you realize you loved me???????

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