The call |3|

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Han came back with not a smile but tears on his face after the call

Minho: Han! What happened? Are you okay?

Han: I..I need to talk to all of you..and my brothers you need to listen even more closely..

Chan: what? What is it that bad is mom okay?

Han: not..not mom..but dad

Changbin: what happened to dad?!

Han: let me talk and then you'll know

Changbin: okay just tell us

Han: mom said..that dad has been sick lately..but didn't tell us because...he didn't want us to get worried..and now it has gotten way worse and he is in the hospital..and he's um he's in a coma

Felix: WHAT

Seungmin: I am so sorry you guys

Minho hugs Han while he was crying and Felix was just their rethinking everything upset and Hyunjin trying to comfort him same with Chan and seungmin, I.N didn't know how to comfort Changbin but he just gave him words of affirmation

I.N: Well what are you guys going to do?

Han: Well um mom bought us tickets to fly back home...

Minho: so your leaving..?

Han: yes I have to-, want to! I mean he's my dad I don't know what's going to happen next but I atleast want to be there IF anything happens

Hyunjin: so..Felix?

Felix: I..agree with Han I mean he's probably going to get worse and I can't just stay here while my father is sick.

Chan: I agree I'm going back home

Changbin: well I guess we are all going.

Minho: okay well when is the flight?

Han: tomorrow morning so we have to leave and pack right now

Minho: oh well of course I'll see you guys at the airport then

Chan: yeah...

**at the airport**

Han: I'll miss you Min

Minho: I'll miss you too, a lot!

Minho kisses Han and hugs him after

Han: I'll be back soon

Han then let's go of the hug and just looks at Minho

Hyunjin: Felix I'll miss you!! But I know I'll see you soon! And when you get back we can finally get married!

Felix: okay don't get to ahead of yourself I'll be back soon so don't even, and if I don't come back soon you can come and visit me!

Hyunjin: I wish but I am still a prince and I need to take care of everything and I'm still very busy and now that your not gonna be with me and going to be extra busy so I can distract myself from missing you

Felix: well okay then but you still better call me every day and I will too so I do not care if you are busy

Hyunjin grabs Felix's waist and kisses him

Hyunjin: I'll always pick up when you call me

Seungmin: you better fly safe dummy

Chan: I'm leaving and your being mean to me?

Seungmin: I'm not being mean

Chan: oh really?

Seungmin kisses Chan

Seungmin: see I'm not being mean

Chan: you were but I'll forgive you

Seungmin: I'll miss you

Chan: I don't understand how you can't come with me?

Seungmin: well I just get home sick very easily and I don't do well in planes

Chan: but I'll be with you the whole time

Seungmin: you know I'm also starting my new business and I need to pay attention to it 24/7 I'm sorry but IF I get a break and you have still haven't gotten back I will go out and see you even tho I'm going to literally vomit on the plane

Changbin: okay stop being lovey dovey with each other I get it I'm single and you all aren't now we are going to miss out flight so please let's get going

Chan,Felix, and Han start actually saying goodbye to their boyfriends and they leave and get on the plane and they then fly back home

2 years and a few months past. And they had not heard from their boyfriends in over 2 years. Which was oddly weird considering one of them was going to get married. Who knows, what happened. Guess you won't find out until the next book!

    -the end-

It is now June 2024!
For a long time I couldn't think of ways to continue this book I came up with a few but I never really liked it. But nowww I finally published the second book it is now named 'secrets' please go check it

I know this book was bad but my new book is 10x better and personally I think it's well written, I've grown a lot since I've last wrote this so pleaseeeeee go read the other one!!

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