Chapter 16:Trust

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no one pov:

"chara I assure you I did not lie"

chara:"then tell me how you did that! tell me how you used monster magic!"

"I...I dont know...."

chara:"you hesitated"

"because its something I dont understand"

chara:"are you part monster?"

"wha...I dont know?!"

chara:"what else dont you know!!"

"alot of things....please understand that I havent a clue of what is going on!"

she looks you in the eyes annoyed as you looked back at her with a pleasing expression,her gaze softens as she closes the distance between the both of you

chara:"you promise that you are not deceiving me? promise that I can trust you?"

"princess...I'm not going to lie to you over something like this....i trust you and i want you to trust me ok?"

you said while taking her hands in yours she blushes and smiles choosing to believe your words as she subconsciously hugged you letting you hug her back

chara:"ok...I trust you"

"thank you"

you both hugged for a while when frisk walked in not making a sound as she saw the two of you,she felt something in her chest as she pushed it away and called both of your attention to her

chara:"haven't I told you to knock?"

frisk:"we share this room while we're here chara,but back to the matter y/n....what was that?"

chara:"he is unsure but I'm sure he will figure it out before his fight with undyne tomorrow....right?"

"y..yes princess"

frisk:"dont scare him!"

chara:"dont tell me how to treat my servant"

both sisters started to argue as you were instructed to leave,doing so you wander a bit as you think about what happend earlier calling for your black book you go back on your notes to matter creation magic


Matter creation magic: this is the rearest magic affinity represented by the infinity sign,it is called such a name because of its ability to create any kind of product physical or magical providing that they have a supply of Mana(magical energy) capable of allowing said creation.
Matter creation magic is ranked in the forbidden class for its lack of incantations or magical items needed to work properly,this magic is a creation of all magic affinities.....*

your notes stopped as you thought about it,you were led to believe that matter creation was simply just another rare trait but upon more analyzing of your only notes brought you to a conclusion wich made you rearrange the pages in the book as well a making some rewrites.

"with this new theory I suspect that my Mayer creation magic and infinity magic are the same,I've come to this because of one thing my recent taste of monster magic if I truly had was was described as infinity magic I would be unable to use monster magic but matter creation is made from all forms of magic including monster,my thoughts on how this mix up could have occurred was that the first user of matter creation had left behind notes while the second user misinterpreted them and in turn creating the term infinity magic....I have no true proof that this is correct or I'm just overthinking it but that is something I'm willing to try and figure out...."

the book stops writing as you made it disappear thinking to yourself as you headed towards the arena where the fights were held earlier with only a mear few hours to understand this new development you get to work.

*huge timeskip later*

your pov:

I layed on the ground panting heavily,iv3 used all kinds of spells and techniques and exhausted my stamina proving my theory correct while using magic drains at ones Mana matter creation drains at ones physical stamina,with this knew understanding of my magic I can only wonder what else could I do?
to tired to answer that question I simply stand to my feet using what little physical energy I had left and decide to head back to the royal chambers to rest and reflect on what I've done today.
I couldn't help but smile to myself as the thought of being able to learn limitless magic skills constantly crossed my mind I could wait to test my limits and push them to their next level
oh how much fun one could have with limitless power at their disposal.

to be continued....
hope you enjoyed and sorry it's short,the next chapter will be y/n bs undyne I'll try to make it exciting anyways I'll see ya next time!

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