During a nonroutine ammunition check, Oscar held me hostage, injuring Wallen and Rosseau during his assault. While I ultimately incapacitated the man and tended to Cooper's wounds, I was unable to keep him alive. I still wonder if I should've taken the needle... But lord knows, and I think I know it too sometimes.

The other rogue, to my surprise, was Gunnar. On the surface, I learned that he was the man I'd saved during the siege on the Mirage, and he'd spent the years searching for me. We became close during our training, and closer after. He knelt before me with a precious ring, and after all those years, I thought I could move on from the White Shield... But even still, my many questions about the truth of my past remained until two years later, before leaving to volunteer for the Rainbow Exogenous Analysis & Containment Team (REACT). Gunner told me everything.

After the Mirage, the man couldn't join Rainbow with me because he lacked clearance from his knee injury. In this time, he was approached by NIGHTHAVEN. His only task was to keep me out of their way so they could reach the White Queen first. Knowing he would get a chance to see me again, he went undercover and was assigned to Operation Blind Flight; He was the White Shield all along... My partner. Everything about him was fake, even his death, which was avoided by his Dextrocardia. It was all a ploy to get him away from me after they'd found he had feelings for the enemy... But leaving a void in my heart wasn't enough. Kali forged the debriefs saying I'd killed him to keep me out of her way for good. When you want something done right, you do it yourself, no?

The other piece still in play was Oscar's place in it all... Until he made his own move. His name was Garrson Cross, and he had been with us since the very beginning. Cross was the White Mask who had shot Gunnar in the knee during the Mirage Siege and, having been the only man to escape, quickly came into the sights of his superior. Cross was just what she needed- a determined, coldhearted psychopath -and the two rapidly fell in love, discarding the previous leader and radicalizing to form their hierarchy and begin their reign of terrorism across the globe. After her death, however, Cross shifted his focus of the organization solely to locating anyone with a lead on who was responsible, and Rainbow was his first stop.

In his efforts, he found someone with a common goal; NIGHTHAVEN too was searching, and for a name both of them knew well. He approached Kali, expressing interest in her needs to stop Gunnar before he could reach me. And yet, that was just what Cross needed, so he waited until our training had begun to attempt his plans. They quickly fell through, but so did he, and his escape was something we never anticipated.

At first I suspected that NIGHTHAVEN had sent him to kill Gunner after they'd realized he was looking for me again--That Kali didn't want a whistleblower. It made sense, knowing the lengths some people will go... And how much power NIGHTHAVEN has. It's just one more reason seeing more and more of our own operators join them terrifies me.

Because of the growing tension between our organizations, I've been given clearance and now proudly run my own branch of Rainbow Staff, known as Ace In The Hole (AITH). We are the last recourse in the event that Rainbow needs NIGHTHAVEN dealt with without failure; A trump card kept face down until needed. But even I am no one without a team; Every shield needs a sword, and a sword with no shield is a target.

Vyacheslav 'Mimic' Alexyev is a fellow Spetsnaz operator with an unrelenting need to protect. I thought his big heart would be his detriment when we met, but he continues to prove me wrong time and time again. He may look serious with that mean-faced helmet, but he giggles like a mischievous child when he tricks someone into walking past his QS-60 shield. Made of a trade-secret material, the surface of the rounded shield bends light in such a way as to make even a big man like Mimic disappear when standing behind it. For those without a keen eye, they make easy prey for his wingman, his Makarov. [INSERT: Vyacheslav - It surprises you how ignorant people can be to the unmoving. Unfortunate for them when they see flicker in their blind spot. Is too late... And is pretty funny.]

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