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Aces, briefing.

After receiving my message from within the Singularity, Six decided that I deserved a spot back on the field since the truth had finally been revealed. He insists that I tell it one last time. There will be no more misunderstandings.

Soon after my recruitment with the Russian Spetsnaz into the Alpha team, I was called to my first real scenario: A terrorist attack on a hotel we called The Mirage, one of the few events that triggered Rainbow's relaunch. My team was first to touch down, and as we progressed we found White Mask corpses among the civilians. The blood trails lead to a lone man, whom I insisted fight by my side that day. He took action to defuse the bomb when I told him reinforcements wouldn't make it, despite being shot in the knee while doing so. Even after we'd made it to the roof, he threw himself at the doorway to stop the pursuing hostiles, saving everyone standing behind us waiting for extraction. Deservingly, after my own recommendation to Rainbow from my performance that day, I insisted he come with me. He'd saved as many lives as I had.

After roughly a year of Rainbow's rigorous training program and several minor assignments, I was deployed for an operation that would change everything: Operation Blind Flight. The mission was to hunt down and extract a woman known as the 'White Queen' to reveal the White Masks' chaotic hierarchy, a woman who knew every name, every face, of every White Mask. It was during this operation that I met an insider, an undercover man who never revealed his name to me. We spent our days fighting, and our nights sneaking to trade valuable information about the White Masks' next move. It wasn't long before those nights were spent sneaking around to see each other. For the first time, I felt loved.

After another long, restless year, we had finally found our target taking shelter in an abandoned weapons factory. As I pinned her to the desk, bleeding where she had caught the bridge of my nose with a bullet, I heard the hissing of a suicide bomber. I took the Queen under my arm and held her out to him. I thought he would stop. She looked at him for a moment, and I could see in his eyes that he understood. He emptied his magazine into her in attempt to kill us both. I remember the despair I felt as a few of the bullets struck my plate through her corpse... They'd won; We had nothing.

Surrounding White Masks, not in on the plan, suddenly turned their attention to the Bomber. As they began tearing him apart over their Queen's life, I saw him clutching the detonator. My rappelling line caught onto the edge of the window behind me, jumping out just in time. My ears were ringing so loud I almost couldn't hear my partner saying my name as he pulled me into the window on the floor below. He held me as White Masks fired over our heads. We were stranded, and with few bullets. Time was running out--For one of us.

We had fought hard together. His crude shield was mangled, and I was drenched in blood. After a bullet struck where his heart would be, I had no time to cry as he seemingly died in my arms. "Do what you have to," He said. "I won't be mad. I love you." And I listened. I held his body close, letting his vest absorb the fire of the White Masks before escaping to our evac helicopter. I was told he was dead, and that was the only closure I got. Despite all of our intimacy, no name, no face. I thought I'd never move on.

Upon my return, Six pulled me into his office, explaining the debriefs he'd received from the mission. No matter how much I'd pleaded that I hadn't, Harry insisted that I'd killed my partner with my own hands and used his corpse as my shield in a desperate attempt to save my own life. I was suspended until further notice. With no evidence to save me, I had no choice but to live up to my reputation, and my new name. Fellow Rainbow members called me the Scorned. The more hours I spent alone in the firing range, the more fights I'd gotten into, the more I started believing them.

That was, until about 3 years later, when Harry decided that I needed a redemption arc. He offered me a fresh start teaching six men of my own: Vyacheslav Alexyev, Cooper Wallen, Anton Voight, Gunnar Magnúson, Beau Rosseau, and Oscar Burton. Two of those men were not who they claimed to be, however.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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