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"So, let's make this short. I need your name, age, unit, strengths and weaknesses, and something from back home." Ritual clicks her recorder, logging the interview for Harry. Vyacheslav stands straight against the locker, slight condensation around his palms against the cold metal.

"My name is Vyacheslav Alexeyev. I'm thirty-five, and I trained with Russian Spetsnaz."

"Right. Working with them myself, they're a powerful unit. I respect them a great deal." She reminisces with a small smile.

"You're Russian?" He asks, suddenly excited.

"Da!" Ritual chimes. "Well, I'm a Greenland native, but I was adopted by a Russian man at a young age. Spent most of my life in Moscow."

"I live in Moscow!" He chuckles heartily. "Which branch do you serve?" His eyes seem full of curiosity as he invests himself in the woman, unbeknownst to her. His friendly demeanor was so easy to fall in to.

"I spent most of my time with Spetsgruppa-S before I moved to Alpha. I served with my father and brother." Ritual admits, relaxing slightly. "Well, what's a strength of yours on the field, Vyacheslav?"

"I am big, so I'm heavy hitter. I can take lots of damage and deal it at same time. I put myself ahead of my team."

"That's a good trait to have, in the right hands." She nods to him. "Have you ever worked with a riot shield?"

"Not really, Ma'am..." Vyacheslav smiles nervously. "I tried it in Spetsnaz, but not much."

"Would you want to?" Ritual tilts her chin up.

"I am unsure," He shrugs, making a gesture of being too big with his hands. "I don't think I'm good fit."

"I think you'd be a great fit," She encourages. "Maybe we could practice a bit. How about a weakness of yours?"

"Weakness? Also big. I am kind of slow."

"Right..." Ritual tries not to chuckle.

"Is something wrong?" Vyacheslav asks, sitting up a little straighter. "Is that bad?"

"No... No." Ritual hums. "That's not a problem, I just think you're..." She trails off. Vyacheslav watches her expression almost anxiously. She analyzes him for a moment. "I think you're interesting."

"Interesting..." He repeats slowly, looking aside.

"Last one," Ritual breaks his thoughts. "What's something you miss from back home?"

"Girlfriend. She is delicate like porcelain doll, but has attitude like bear... We were never apart, did everything together, and then I joined military. She was... Less than happy. Told me to stay away from the women soldiers, said I was leaving to sleep with men and not her, said..." The man trails off, visibly swallowing a lump in his throat. "Um, you're recording, no?" He chuckles nervously, averting his eyes.

"Vyacheslav..." Ritual leans forward, placing her hand gently on his knee. He tenses up, so she turns around and pretends to pause the recording. He seems to loosen up slightly and meets her gaze when she turns back to him. "It doesn't sound like you miss her very much."

"I do!" He stammers, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Do you think that she misses you?" The woman tilts her head down, her sharp eyes suggesting that he answer her honestly. He hesitates for a moment before taking her hand from his leg and gently squeezing it.

"Gah, I don't know... I don't know what I'm doing wrong." Vyacheslav lets out a deep sigh. "Sometimes I see different cars in driveway when I pass her house, yet when I go in to talk to her, she still has my flowers on table. I feel like I can't make her happy."

"Does she make you happy?" Ritual whispers. He thinks for a few seconds, but doesn't answer. She can tell he is done for now. "That's okay. We're finished." She thanks Vyacheslav and he smiles softly before putting out his hand. This makes Ritual look up at him curiously, before slowly placing her hand in his. He gives it a firm shake, cupping his other hand over the back of hers.

"Thank you... I look forward to training with you, Kámá." He says in his thick accent, hazel eyes locking with hers through her helmet.

"Right." Ritual clears her throat, hiding her emotion behind her mask. "Thank you, Vyacheslav." She replies. He nods softly, letting go of her hand and waiting for her to dismiss him. "You don't have to wait for my permission," She can't help but chuckle. "You're free to go."

"Yes Ma'am." He nods before leaving, longingly brushing his fingers against the door handle on his way out.

"One down." Ritual turns her attention back to the notepad in her lap, briefly reviewing her notes. "Vyacheslav Alexeyev... Vulnerable. Strives for approval and needs verbal validation. Likely emotionally damaged. Next..."

Scorned (Rainbow Six Siege Fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant