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"Alright, Coop. Name, age, unit, strength and weakness, and something from back home." Ritual starts the recording.

"Sure. My name is Cooper Wallen, I'm thirty-one, and working with FBI SWAT." The dark skinned male leans against the locker.

"Do you have a strength on the field?" Ritual asks, tapping her pen.

"I have a great reaction time and can adapt to sudden changes or threats in a crunch."

"Good." The woman hums. "That's a great trait in a shield. Americans love their riot control, no? Have you ever trained with one?"

"Eh, I was never really the best at being on the front lines like that." Cooper shrugs.

"Maybe you just need to try a different approach." Ritual encourages with a small hand gesture. Cooper eases up and makes eye contact, detecting her friendliness. His guard drops. "Care to share a weakness?"

"I can be a bit impulsive, which puts my team at risk." He says honestly.

"We'll work on it." She assures. "Alright, and something you miss from back home?" She quickly scribbles down a few notes.

"My mother. I haven't seen her since I was deployed and she's not getting any younger. My brother is taking care of her, but he has his own kids and life to worry about."

"Great." Ritual cuts the recording. "Thanks, Coop."

"Done so soon?" He stops her suddenly. She takes notice as he shivers slightly despite the room not being cold.

"Yeah..." Ritual says slowly. Detecting his sudden unease, she peers curiously around the small room. It was just them and the metal lockers. "Everything alright?"

"Yeah..." Cooper hesitates a moment before shaking his head. His hair had a slight bounce to it. "Yeah." He huffs again. "Just get these... Feelings sometimes."

"Feelings?" Ritual sets her things aside. The books make a light noise as they meet the bench. "Like... Something that you just know, huh?"

"You get them too? Gunnar and I were talking about it on the way." He shivers again. "Just... A bad feeling."

"I don't get them, but..." Ritual also shudders slightly. "Have you noticed anything weird? Anyone seem off?"

"I..." He starts, glancing at the door to ensure it was firmly shut. "There's something strange about Gunnar and Oscar. Like... Like both of them are lying."

"Lying?" She tilts her head. "About what?"

"I don't know yet." He replies.

"Well, just keep your guard up. It's safe here with me." She comforts, trying to sound as though she's sure. "Um, bring in Anton, will you?" She asks, not even waiting to see him nod before her eyes shift to her notes. "Cooper Wallen... Afraid. I don't know of what, but I feel like I should be, too."

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