Chapter 8 - 'Til Death Do Us Part

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Trigger warning: in this chapter during a conversation there is a brief mention/implication of assault and controlling tendencies from a partner. Take care, guys.


"I thought I might find you by yourself."

Aura lifts her head upon hearing Cerin's voice. She's sitting on the rooftop in a small town – it's the area where she used to live when she was alive. She had let the others know that she needed some space after yesterday's events before leaving, but didn't tell anyone where she was going.

"How did you find me?" She asks, furrowing her brows.

"The wind." Cerin looks at the leaves around them being carried by the autumn breeze "You tend to be the centre of it." He locks eyes with her again "Do you mind if I join you? It's best not to be alone in our situation."

"Go ahead." Aura doesn't bother arguing. He's right after all. Besides, she's comfortable enough around the Ferryman. He doesn't press matters or demand answers, but just gives her space "Did you finish helping souls cross?"

Cerin nods "Yeah. It took some effort, but I managed to convince the majority to move on. I'm hopeful the others will follow suit soon."

"That's good. With Lantern and his minions running around, it's for the best if most cross over right away."

"Yeah." After agreeing, Cerin falls silent for a moment. He frown slightly, like he's lost in thoughts.

Aura doesn't comment on it, letting him be until he speaks up again.

"Are you feeling alright? I heard about what happened from Chantico, so I want you to know that if you want to talk about it, you can."

"I'm..." Aura pauses before she can say the word 'fine'. It's a reflex. Deflect the question and pretend nothing is bothering her. After all, if everyone around her believes she's fine, she can convince herself, even for just a moment, that she is.

But she knows that she's not fine. She's still distraught, shaken, by both the recent experience and the experiences from her past life overwhelming her once more. Being caught by the water had made her fully aware again of the memories she fought so hard to suppress every single day since she had been revived. They had never gone away, always lurking in the darkest depths of her mind, but she had been able to keep them at bay.

Until now.

Aura remains silent both trying to not get trapped in her own mind and trying to find the words that could possibly explain what she's going through right now.

But she doesn't get the chance to, because a familiar voice she would rather not have heard speaks up.

"Aren't you cute?"

Willow stands on the ground below them, grinning widely. Next to her is a man that fits the description Chantico gave after she returned to them beaten and bloody.

Cerin stands up "What are you doing here?"

"No 'hi'? Rude." Willow puffs out her cheeks. She cracks her chuckles "Well, let's get to business then!"

She turns into a flame and vanishes, before popping up behind the two. Aura prepares herself to dodge when the fire in Willow's torch flickers and brightens, but the burst isn't aimed at her.

It's aimed at Cerin.

He jumps out of the way, but right when he's vulnerable and lands on the edge of the building, another burst of pale blue fire hits him right in the chest and he falls backwards. Aura quickly catches him with the air and while she's not strong enough to lift him up, it allows him to land on his feet.

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