Chapter 6 - Gears Turning

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"I have something to do for us." Aura tells Jack after he had been complaining for a while about being bored.

He jumps off rail he was sitting on "Finally. I was getting sick of sitting around and waiting."

"Well, maybe if you had picked up a book like me, we would've found something sooner." Aura comments blankly, crossing her arms.

Jack swings his staff over his shoulders "Nah, I'm good. I'll leave the heavy reading to bookworms like you."

Aura raises an eyebrow before she sighs "Anyways, I got a lead on where Willow might've been from. Folktales that resemble what we saw can be traced back to England and Wales, and her original name also seems to have been from that area."

"So we're going on a trip?"

"I'm not sure if it will bring us any new information, but it's better than sitting around and waiting." Aura shrugs "Though maybe we should bring either Chantico or Cerin along, since they're more familiar with the dead than we are."

"So... do you have any way to contact them?"

"No, I don't. So we'll need to wait and see if they have time soon."

Jack groans and throws his head back "Oh, come on."


Nevertheless, after a bit more waiting, both of Death's servants agree to come along, which brings the four of them to Britain. They stick to the edges of the city they travelled to, where some of the manufacturing industry is located. It's raining a little, just enough to feel it, and Chantico makes a comment about being glad it's not blood this time.

Aura doesn't really pay attention to it though, being focused more on their surroundings – not wanting Willow to land a surprise hit on her again – as well as Cerin's odd behaviour.

The Ferryman hasn't been talking much since they arrived here – Chantico and Jack are the ones holding the conversations between the four of them – which is unusual for him. Normally he would at least inquire about everyone's well-being or what they did that day, even if just out of politeness. But today he hasn't done anything like that. Besides, Chantico has been giving him the occasional look, as if she's checking in on him. She might have thought no one would notice, but Aura did.

While Chantico excitedly describes her battle with Shen to Jack, Aura picks up her pace to catch up to Cerin and mutters a question "You've been quiet. Is everything okay?"

Cerin blinks before looking at her briefly and smiling "Yeah, don't worry about it. I'm just thinking about my work a bit, nothing important."

Aura doesn't believe a word he says and she saw the strain his smile held, but she just nods.

He has always respected her need for space and desire to keep her secrets, so the least she can do is return the favour. She expressed concern about him and that's all she can really do for now without prying.

So even when the sound of a machine echoes through the streets and Cerin flinches a little, she doesn't comment on it.

"The sun's gonna set soon here. Should we split up to keep watch on the edge of the city?" Jack suggests.

"I suppose we could." Cerin responds, fidgeting with his earring that seems to be made of a copper coin "Though Chantico and I should split up in that case. We can locate or contact each other a bit more easily than you or Aura could."

"That's fair." Aura mutters.

"I'm claiming Aura!" Chantico beams and Aura steps aside to avoid having the other girl crash into her for a hug "Ah sorry, forgot about your anti-hug policy." The Guide offers a smile and brushes off the awkwardness "You went with Cerin on your previous adventure to find Willow. Now it's my turn!"

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