Chapter 3 - Death Doesn't Knock

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Aura finds herself back at the north pole, not really having anywhere to go since she would be vulnerable to potential attacks if she were out there all by herself. Especially if Willow truly is working with Lantern like they suspect, she has made herself a clear threat to him. Well, a threat might be a little generous, but at least an enemy.

North's voice booms through the workshop where he is instructing the yetis and elves, prompting Aura to grip the book in her hands tightly. She has gotten somewhat used to the background noise, but the sudden talking never fails to startle her.

Another voice almost startles her as well, if it weren't for the air growing colder beforehand "Hi Aura!"

She lowers her book to rest in her lap and turns her head to give Jack a blank stare "What do you want?"

"Geez, you're even colder than me. Lighten up." He grins while sitting on the rail she is leaning against "What are you reading?"

"No thanks and I'm just reading up on some history." She picks up a stray piece of paper and puts it between the pages before closing the book. She knows the frost spirit won't leave her alone, so she has come to learn over the past few days that just resigning herself to her fate was the best way to get it over with "Maybe you should do the same."

"No thanks. I'm not as big of a nerd." Jack nearly falls off the rail when Aura blows some wind at him. He huffs "Rude."

"Says the one who bothers people while they're reading."

"Touché." Jack grins.

Aura sighs, leaning her head back a little "Remind me why I'm always the one on the receiving end of your pestering when you're bored."

"Normally I'd bother the kangaroo but he's looking into the Willow girl you ran into a few days ago, and the rest has work to do so they're not here, so I guess you're the lucky one." He aims a snowball at her, but she manages to duck in time "How do you like it here?"

"It's... not the worst." Aura mutters.

She doesn't really like this place, prefering quieter and more open spaces, but it will do. It's better than the alternative of getting attacked by Lantern or his lackeys. Her back still hurts occasionally from her fight with Willow.

"'Not the worst' sounds like you're very excited to be here." Jack comments.

Aura sighs "You of all people should know why I'm not."

"Yeah, I get it, the moon isn't always the best at communication. I wasn't thrilled either when North suddenly sprung on me that I was chosen." He shrugs "But the moon was right about my role. I'm sure he's right about you too."

"I doubt it."

Aura tightens her grip on the book, just looking ahead for a moment. She still doesn't understand why she was chosen. It doesn't make any sense. There is nothing she had to offer to these children the Guardians protect.

She glances back at the globe with the lights that represent those kids. While she understands that they need to be protected by someone, that isn't something she can do. They already have the Guardians. The part of her that wanted to protect others and save lives died when she did centuries ago.

"Guys!" Chantico's voice rings out as the Guide comes running from the shadows near them, skitting to a halt and nearly tripping over her own feet while she does so "For the love of Quetzalcoatl-"

"Woah, careful there." Jack comments, leaning back to not take a scythe to the face.

"Sorry." Chantico lets the weapon vanish "I was just being prepared in case some murderer popped up here to wreak havoc. Guess that's not the case?" She rambles on while leaning over the rail "Nope. Hi Beard- eh, North! Sorry about the noise." She waves before stepping back again and groans "Aaah, I'm dying. Well, I'm already kinda dead but whatever."

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