LOG 1: The Generator

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|• I'M SITTING ON A PICNIC BLANKET WATCHING A GROUP OF KIDS RUN AND LAUGH ACROSS THE PARK. A group of men and women are playing football, adults sitting at a bench with drinks in their hands enjoying themselves. I locked eyes with the nearest grill master as he flipped burgers, and we saluted each other.

I lay down on the blanket, staring up at the clear blue sky while listening to the many families enjoying themselves on this wonderful day. This beautiful, light brown-curly haired, African American woman, who looked to be in her early twenties, jumped on top of me. She is dressed in a red t-shirt, she is screaming something, but I can't hear her over this muffled announcement and horn going off. The whole park shook violently, and the sky flashed red and white behind the lady that was on top of me. •|

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{Day: 1/Time: 0400}


I woke up in a panic, my heart was racing, and my eyes were out of focus, but I could see that the room was covered in a red light while a white light kept rotating like a police light. I struggled to make sense of what was going on and didn't know where I was. I finally realized that the alarm was repeating a warning over a blaring horn.

I frantically searched around and noticed that I was in the middle of an operating room, hooked up to machines: a heart monitor and a blood pressure machine. I tried to move my legs, but it felt like they were being held down by weights. It turned out to be a lifeless body lying across them. That's when I noticed that there were many more unconscious bodies, even folders and paperwork scattered throughout the room.

I ripped off the wires and tubes connected to me and carefully moved the body off me. I climbed off the gurney and scanned the room. I traveled across the room and checked the bodies for any sign of life. No luck. I moved backwards away from the bodies while scanning the room, not sure what I thought I would've found in that search.

BANG. "Ow what the..." My voice came out a bit rough and dry. I bumped into a desk; a body fell to the ground; the body was of a woman in scrubs - a torn folder fell on top of her. I picked up the folder and opened it. Inside the folder was a ripped photo of a person, I scanned over the document, and it was like a patient's medical chart. I noticed that the person is wearing a shirt that has a letter and number on their left peck.

I checked my shirt, the letter and number matches, A50 - I dropped the folder. Looked up and noticed I was standing in front of a reflective window and like a child for the first time seeing themselves in the mirror, I searched myself up and down - I am an African American male dressed in all white, looking to be in my early twenties. I have black hair - a clean cut-fade. I'm average build, but my height is below average.

WHO AM I? Where am I, and what happened here? I asked myself as I turned to the right and found a door parallel to the reflective window, I opened it and walked through it - the door led to the observation room.


{Day: 1/Time: 0501}

There I saw the desktop that was set on the wall table, with a few notebooks and more folders sitting next to the monitor. I noticed the standby light was flashing, so I moved the mouse and pressed some keys on the keyboard to turn the computer on. The computer awoke and there was already a folder open - there were several video files inside the folder. I clicked on the first video.

The Chronicles of A50 The Neon Survivor (Part 1of3) [Ongoing]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora