The End

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Everyone was happy to have their gifts and their Casita back. You sat and crotcheted something.

"Hey, y/n," Mirabel said.

"Thanks for saving the miracle," you said. You held up a finished beanie with butterfly patterns.

"That's beautiful," Mirabel said.

"It's for you," you said. "You deserve one."

Mirabel took the beanie. "So... What do beanies do?"

You smiled. "It amplifies your good moods. And I hope you feel proud of yourself. Saving the miracle is amazing."

Mirabel smiled. "Thanks. But I didn't do it alone. We all built the house."

"Just put the beanie on."

"Y/n?" Abuela said.

You stood up. "Bye, Mirabel." You walked over to Abuela. "Hola, Abuela."

Abuela took your hand and began walking. "Bruno told me that you think the family doesn't like you."

You looked down. "Yeah..."

"I'm sorry I stopped you and Juan from talking in the language you felt comfortable with. And, this entire family loves you. You're the only child of Bruno. I loved how much you reminded me of your father. It just hurt me to remember that my son left because of a prophecy I told him to make. He never even told me the prophecy."

You nodded. "Okay, Abuela."

Abuela looked at you. "You're an important part of this family. We all are. I'm sorry everyone told you that you were cursed. I'm even more sorry I never stood up for you."

You nodded. "Okay, Abuela."

Abuela smiled. "Looks like your cousins want to play."

You smiled as you saw Antonio and Camilo wave you over.

"Thanks for the chat, Abuela," you said before running over to your cousins.

"Hola, y/n!" Camilo said. "We're going to play with some neighbourhood kids. My glorious teenage self being the supervision. Would you like to come?"

You nodded. "Yes please, primo."

Antonio grabbed your hand. "C'mon! Let's go!"


Juan and Bruno made their way to the riverbed.

"This better not be another apology," Juan said.

Bruno shook his head. "No, no. It's a date..."

Juan blushed. "A date?"

Bruno nodded. "Yeah... We haven't really been on one in ten years."

Juan smiled. "That's perfect." He sat down. "I missed you. If you apologise again, I will walk off."

Bruno blushed. "Right. Okay." He sat next to Juan and took out his small bag. "I brought some arepas, a bit of that 'biltong' you secretly make, some cheese and orange juice."

Juan smiled. "Ah. So, you're recreating our first date? Fitting seeing as this is our first date since, you know."

Bruno nodded and passed Juan a piece of dried meat. "Yeah... Do you know how hard it was to find where you keep your secret biltong? You don't need to keep your South African food a secret. It makes surprising you so much harder."

Juan chuckled and kissed Bruno's cheek. "Well, what can I say? I don't want y/n stealing it."

The two sat in comfortable silence, eating the food and skipping stones across the river. After a while, Bruno lay on Juan's lap and Juan played with his boyfriend's hair.



Bruno looked up at his boyfriend. "So... I noticed you started referring to yourself as a Madrigal."

Juan shrugged. "Well, your family took me in. It would be weird to continue calling myself the surname of my parents since I ran away."

Bruno smiled. "Yeah... But I wanted to know if you wanted to make it official."

"Do I want to make what official?"

Bruno passed Juan a small box and averted eye contact. Juan opened it. In the box was a candy ring. There was also a bit of chocolate.

"The fact that you're a Madrigal. Do you, by any chance, want to marry me?" Bruno asked, fidgeting with his rauna.

Juan pulled Bruno into a sitting position by his rauna. Bruno's eyes widened in fear of a rejection as he was stuck on Juan's lap.

Juan kissed Bruno. "Yes. I'd love to."

Bruno blushed. "Thanks, mi amor."

"My lief," Juan replied, holding Bruno close.

Bruno's liefie (reader x encanto) Where stories live. Discover now