We Don't Talk About Your Papá

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Mirabel showed you the three pieces that had her in it. You stared at it.

"Come on, Bruno, what could you mean...?" Mirabel mumbled.


Mirabel put the shards back into her bag before the two of you looked at Pepa.

She had a storm cloud above her head. She shooed it out and closed the door to get rid of it before she sat down and started gathering Antonio's things. 

"I was just getting the last of Tonito's things when I heard someone say," Pepa said before covering a teddy bear's ears, "the name we do not say."

"But what if Bruno-" Mirabel said before noticing the cloud come back. "If he saw you in a vision-"

"We don't talk about Bruno."

"But what if-" you tried.

"We don't talk about Bruno," Pepa said.

"I know but would it be a good thing or a bad thing?" Mirabel said.

"It was a nightmare!" Félix said, bursting into the room.

"We don't talk about Bruno," Pepa repeated.

"I know but they have to know," Félix said. "If he saw you, you better find out what it means and fast because it will be coming for you!"

"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no!" Pepa said. "We don't talk about Brunoooo. BUT!"

'Ooh, a song,' you thought, smiling.

"It was my wedding day," Pepa sang.

"It was our wedding day," Félix corrected.

"We were getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in the sky," Pepa said.

"No clouds allowed in the sky," Félix agreed.

"Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin."


Papa looked at her husband. "You telling this story or am I?!"

"Sorry, mi vida, go on," Félix said, running his hand up Pepa's arm, causing Pepa to swoon.

"Bruno says 'it looks like rain'," Pepa explained.

"Why did he tell us?" Félix said dramatically.

"In doing so, he floods my brain."

"Abuela, get the umbrellas!"

"Married in a hurricane!"

"What a joyous day," Félix said with a smile. "But anyway."

"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no. We don't talk about Bruno," Félix and Pepa sang together.

You and Mirabel were whisked away by Dolores.

"Hey, grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling. I can always hear him muttering and mumbling," Dolores sang.

You were close to tears. This was your Papá everyone was talking so horribly about.

"I associate him with the sound of falling sand. Ch-ch-ch," Dolores continued as Mirabel held your shoulder. "It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling. Always left Abuela and the family fumbling. Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand." Dolores stared right into your eyes, a sympathetic look in her eyes. For you or your father, you couldn't tell. "Do you understand?"

"A seven-foot-frame, rats along his back. When he calls your name, it all fades to black," Camilo said, pulling you and Mirabel away. Weird thing was, he kept transforming into Meneer Kos while singing. "Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your dreams. Hey."

"We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no. We don't talk about Bruno," everyone sang.

"He told me my fish would die, the next day dead!" some lady sang, causing you to hide behind Mirabel.

"He told me I'd grow a gut and just like he said," someone else complained.

"He said that all my hair would disappear, now look at my head," the bald priest said, taking his wig off.

"Your fate is sealed when your prophecy's read," everyone sang in unison.

"Isn't that how prophecies work?" you whispered to Mirabel.

"He told me the life of my dreams would be promised and someday be mine," Isabela said, coming down on a vine swing.

Mirabel's face filled with annoyance while you were just happy to hear something good about your Papá.

"He told me my powers would grow like the grapes that thrive on the vines," Isabela continued.

"Óye, Mariano's on his way," a voice said.

"He told me that the man of my dreams would be just out of reach," Dolores said, reaching out at thin air. "Betrothed to another. It's like I can hear him now."

Isabela went up to Mirabel. "Sis, I don't want a sound out of you."

"I can hear him now," Dolores said.

Juan walked in, very confused by all the singing.

"Um, Bruno. Yeah, about that Bruno. I really need to know about Bruno. Gimme the truth and the whole truth, Bruno," Mirabel said, causing Juan's eyes to widen.

"Isabela! Your boyfriend's here!" Camilo said, transforming into Mariano.

"Time for dinner!" everyone sang.

You and Mirabel went up to the nursery as everyone sang over each other. Juan followed you. He took a shard of the vision out of Mirabel's bag.

"He told me that the family I need would be mine," Juan said, placing it down and helping you and Mirabel put the vision together. "He told me he loved me and always will. He told me we'd have a child who would be gifted and kind."

"Don't talk about Bruno, no!" the voices downstairs said.

"Why did I talk about Bruno?" Mirabel said, staring at the full vision.

"Not a word about Bruno!"

"I never should've brought up Bruno!" Mirabel said.

"So, this was his last vision," Juan said, looking at it.

The image had Mirabel standing in front of a cracking Casita. You held your father's hand.

"Mirabel, I hope you have your party pants on!" Augustin said, entering the room.

The three of you immediately rushed to hide the vision from sight but it was no use. Augustin walked up to it and stared in confusion.

"Luisa said that Bruno had a vision before he left so I snuck into Bruno's tower to get it and I think the house is falling apart and it's all my fault," Mirabel explained.

"Hold up, you snuck into my missing boyfriend's room to find a vision?!" Juan demanded.

"Ja," you said. "I was look-out."

Augustin started stuffing the vision into his pockets. "Abuela wants this dinner to be perfect. So, until it's over, you did not sneak into Bruno's room. The house is not cracking. The miracle is not fading. Everything is fine." He held his daughter's shoulders. "Noone has to know."

The door opened and Dolores was standing there.

"I know," she said before squeaking and running away.

"She's going to tell everyone," Mirabel said.

You looked at your father. He just looked back at you.

Bruno's liefie (reader x encanto) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz