Chapter 7

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He quickly found his way through the buildings and infested terrain encountering minimal enemies. This part of the city looked about 70-ish years old with run down houses and boarded windows. From what he could tell the gore nest hadn't reached this far out of the city but there were still demons scattered here and there.

"The key is about 1000 meters under you in an old subway. The nearest entrance is a mineshaft in the convenience store's back room."

He made his way into the house where he was kindly greeted with a few whiplash and a pinky. At this point, he was sick of all the random demons just laying around so he decided to

Use the BFG and kill most of them very quickly. Not your smartest move Chara whispered in his head. He shook the remark off knowing that he will definitely not need it within the next ten minutes.

In the backroom behind the liquor barrels, he found a breakable wall and went down the stairway that the wall had revealed. The end of the stairs ended in a large open cavern with stalactites and stalagmites intermingled with some flesh and bones. At the other side of the cavern was a dark altar with a summoning circle surrounding it.

He walked to the summoning circle and it started to glow an intense red before the entire room started to shake. The wall to his right started to shake open until a relatively small crack appeared in the wall. But the shaking continued and got stronger..

The wall blasted open and a gigantic tentacle came out of it. It began crashing all over the cavern breaking the stalagmites and the stalagmites. The doomslayer ran over to the far edge of the room and drew the ballista. The skin of the appendage was surprisingly strong and he was unable to shoot through it. But it was stunned for a few seconds. The next time it stopped he shot it again and quickly changed through his entire arsenal making a bloody mess. The tentacle still was managing to move and attack him, throwing him into a wall and breaking almost all of his ribs. Despite the injuries, he attacked it once more and it fell in a heap at his feet.

Climbing over it, he saw that it had created a tunnel behind. He walked into the dark void and to the source of the tentacle.

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