Chapter 3

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The next area was a small valley-like place with some cacodemons, arachnotrons, and a small skeleton they recognized from before.

"Sans..." Chara said through gritted teeth. "How did he survive?"

The "Sans" skeleton came running up to him and said, "hey nice to see you again. could you help me get rid of these things? they showed up as soon as that murderer, frisk, died and i was able to teleport outside of the underground."

"The Doomslayer suggests you stay out of his way while he does his work. Return to the underground where it is currently safer or help but still stay out of his way."

After that little chat, the demons were almost ready to attack them. The doomslayer shot most of the demons with the ballista and used the chainsaw to gain a little extra ammo. The remaining cacodemons were too high up and far enough away for him to shoot them. Sans fired his 'gaster blasters' on the cacodemons and vaporised them instantly.

"dang, they must have killed a lot of people for that much karma damage," he said under his breath.

"Thank you for assisting us. You may leave now and find refuge while we clear out the rest of the nest."

"hold on. looks like you could use some more help with the infestation, as you've already made a deal with chara, i could help too."

They made a quick deal and went off. The farther they went into the city the worse it got. More demons. More death. More hell. Another save point. Something important is going to happen, he thought. So he saved, and Sans made a weird squirming sound but said nothing.

In the next area was the industrial district of the city. There was a small child in a blue and purple striped sweater. Sans shuddered and Chara started speaking in wing-dings again.

"Source of the demonic presents is located 50 meters ahead of you. The child from earlier..."

Rip, Tear, and GenocideOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant