Chapter 5

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"The next task is to find the gore keys and get to the heart of the nest. I have marked the first key on your HUD."

He was off, leaving Sans behind, a little patch of flesh opened up in the wall. On the other side was a small place where he could grab onto and he climbed up a bit before turning around jumping on the next place he could grab and proceed climbing up that. After a few swings from some bars, he landed on some solid ground.

Turning the corner he saw 3 Mancubus' standing kind of near each other, a group of imps and Gargoyles off to the side, and a Dread Knight that spawned right in of him. Jumping to the left he ran to the little group of imps and sliced one of them with a chainsaw for extra ammo. Quickly getting away from them he fired at the Mancubus' cannons and blew them up then sent a few missiles to them finishing off. He turned his attention to the Dread knight and left the others for extra ammo if he needed more. The dread knight came running at him with his orange blades but he jumped over them sending a few missiles into their head leaving them staggering in which he then finished the job. Killing another imp refilling his ammo and finished the rest of them off with a sticky bomb and went on his way.

A few more encounters and some parkouring later he got to the town square and waited for further directions from VEGA.

"The next key is only a few blocks away but I can't seem to pinpoint exactly where it is. There might be some kind of disturbance in that area, please be careful."

As soon as he turned right onto the street that the key was supposed to be on, he saw it. Gigantic tentacles, like the ones surrounding Dr. Hydens's lab, but unlike those, these were electrified with a faint red static electrical field. Looking around he saw that he could easily jump off the top of the nearby building and get over the tentacles.

He busted open the front spinning doors and found the stairway going up the stairs he encountered a Tyrant. He had just stepped out onto the sixth floor when the stairway ended and continued on the other side of the floor. All the walls looked like they were smashed down and left a flat arena for them to fight. They started circling around each other, one spinning their chain violently and the other readying his super shotgun. The eye sockets of the skull on the shield glowed green, indicating that they were about to attack, and the slayer shot. Landing the hit, it stunted the enemy and he was able to beat it up. Then they went back to circling each other again.

The next attack from the Tyrant he wasn't so lucky and got hit right directly in the chest crushing some ribs and puncturing some organs. But he didn't stop trying to attack. He pulled out the rocket launcher and shot the demon in the head. Then used the chaingun's turret and started blasting it. Back to circling, they keep attacking each other over and over again until the slayer bashed the Tyrant's head into smithereens and climbed the rest of the way to the top of the building. He could easily see over the tentacles and into the power plant on the other side.

He jumped and landed on the other side. There was another save point right where he landed. What's going to happen this time? he thought and saved before making his way to the plant.

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